I have started working on a battering ram, anyone got any tips for the base model?
I will try and post back with any improvements and textures once done.
It depends on where you want to go with this model. What will the art style be? Will there be a high poly?
You should model things with operability in mind. What's keeping the wheels from falling off? How (what I presume) are the ropes holding the battering ram up? What's holding the ropes up? What's holding all the wood together?
Metal reinforcement trim, nails and bolts, wheel cotters and axle supports, etc. Adding details like that will help sell your model as being "real," something that could exist and work as advertised in the real world.
You should model things with operability in mind. What's keeping the wheels from falling off? How (what I presume) are the ropes holding the battering ram up? What's holding the ropes up? What's holding all the wood together?
Metal reinforcement trim, nails and bolts, wheel cotters and axle supports, etc. Adding details like that will help sell your model as being "real," something that could exist and work as advertised in the real world.