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polycounter lvl 8
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fabiomsilva polycounter lvl 8
Hey guys
i was really bored, so i felt like doing some hard surface modeling. I looked for some crazy animal reference(lets call it a fish) and then started modeling away. this is what i have so far.
Still not happy, and cant wait to get this one out of the way so i start a new one where i can try some new shapes.

anyways, any words of advice, wisdom, or encouragement are super welcome :)




  • chamade
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    chamade polycounter lvl 5
    Pretty complex old school crazy modeling for being bored. :) The general shape reminds me of an alien Egyptian Sarcophagus upper piece...or a Cobra snake. I think Zbrushing the hell out of the skin areas will make those areas pop compared to the mechanical parts and help the contrast between the different surface types (because your design for the mechanical shell is already pretty organic). Nice work, I can see it really coming alive with some kickass materials/rendering.
  • theSixtyEight
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    theSixtyEight polycounter lvl 7
    how many years did it take you to model the head lol ...no srsly I cant imagine doing such a thing with classicall subd modeling, u sir are prolly most patient modeler ever :D great job
  • fabiomsilva
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    fabiomsilva polycounter lvl 8
    Haha thanks guys!
    I was also inspired by cobra snake head shape so I'm glad you noticed it.
    As for modeling I guess I'm pretty fast, I've started this last Thursday and I'm not working in this fulltime. I'm just feeling inspired to do some subdv modeling :-) that's all
  • fabiomsilva
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    fabiomsilva polycounter lvl 8
    i kinda hit a wall and my design became very slower(on the backside). but at least i think im pretty much done with the front part. a few more details and i think im good to go to shading


    ps: i have no idea how to put my attachments as a proper image here o_O
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