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Dragon Knight: Blacksmith's Helmet

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hamstocks polycounter lvl 5
Hello Polycount. I recently started a sword for dragon knight, but I'm having some troubles with the low poly model, so I'm putting it on hold for now. Then, after looking at this picture for a while:


I realized that the helmet could work pretty well for dragon knight. So, I decided to start working on it. I'm going to change the colors when it comes time to texture it, so it fits dk's palette a little better. Below is a picture of my progress with the high poly:


I hope you like the helmet so far. And as always, criticism/suggestions are welcome.
Thank you.


  • hamstocks
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    hamstocks polycounter lvl 5
    I just wanted to upload a couple more pictures of the helmet. I made a few small tweaks, such as enlarging the horns, and moving some of the edges around. Nothing major, but I figured you'd like more pictures anyway. :)


  • hamstocks
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    hamstocks polycounter lvl 5
    Just wanted to post some pics of the low poly model, which is now done. I'm going to begin unwrapping and baking textures, so stay tuned for more pictures of that.



    Hope you like the helmet. Criticism is welcome.
    Thank you
  • waffles.c
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    waffles.c polycounter lvl 5
    Its looking cool so far. Are you planning on doing any sculpting? I think some scratches and adding some roughness to the helmet would really add a lot of contrast. Its too nice and neat. you need to break up some of the symmetry a little.
  • hamstocks
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    hamstocks polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for the reply waffles. I do plan on adding some small surface details, I just haven't done them yet. I'm glad you like it so far
  • cagdasx44
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    About breaking symetry, you can make one horn broken.
  • hamstocks
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    hamstocks polycounter lvl 5
    Thank you for the reply cagdasx44. I'm not really worried about the symmetry that much. I'm more focused on making it look a little less clean, and perfect. I kind of want to stay as close to the original design as possible, in terms of shape.
  • hamstocks
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    hamstocks polycounter lvl 5
    Hello again, I am posting a picture of how the color map is coming along. I hope to finish this item either today, or tomorrow. Here is my progress so far:


    If you have any suggestions for the texturing, let me know.
    Thank you
  • cagdasx44
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    looking good, btw will you make a set with your dk sword?
  • hamstocks
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    hamstocks polycounter lvl 5
    @cagdasx44 Probably not, only because I've been having some problems with that sword. Not to mention, the sword and this helmet don't really match. I don't know, I might do one in the future.
    For now though, I'm just trying to finish this helmet.

    The color map is almost done now. then I just need to do the masks, and it's done!
  • hamstocks
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    hamstocks polycounter lvl 5
    Just posting a picture of the final color work, before I move onto the masks.

  • cagdasx44
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    It is looking good but I didnt understand the hole on the side.
  • hamstocks
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    hamstocks polycounter lvl 5
    I guess it's like an earhole?... I don't know, it's there in the original blacksmith drawing (or at least it looks like it is) :)
  • FlashL
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    Please don't take offense to this. I think this is a great idea, & I want to see it done. But...

    Slow down! You didn't even nail your high poly correctly before moving on.


    In your rush, you ventured away from the concept & lost some certain characteristics which made the helmet attractive in the first place. The shapes in the concept are far stronger than what you've modeled. The main part of the helmet is large at the top but gets thinner the lower it gets before it angles off toward the lower jaw. (sort of like Magneto's helmet here.) The spacing between elements seems off. I also count 5 central horns on the helmet rather than 4!

    I think you were so keen to get onto the project that you didn't analyse the concept enough. If working from artwork like this, it's always a good idea to draw up your own concepts to ensure you fully understand the form of what you're modelling.

    Hope this helps!
  • hamstocks
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    hamstocks polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for the reply FlashL. I understand what you mean, and huge thanks for mocking up that drawing. When I get a chance I'll go back and redo the high poly.

    I find that when making items, I usually end up rushing through to the completed item, which usually sucks. :) Thanks for your advice man!
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