Will there be a camera that previews the hole before its played?
If not, it will change the hole design dramatically. We will have to pull a lot of the interest towards the camera that follows the ball around. If there is one, then we can leave the design as is and let the preview show off the environment.
Thanks goes to cameronthughes for getting me this screen shot in engine. Here is a proxy, its missing elements but it needed to get to this stage to move forward and see if things are working properly.
You can zoom out of the hole at any point by pressing Z. You can set up oh for it zooms up and out from the ball in the exposed script variables.
You can also choose a entity zoom point and fix rotation on the zoom if you choose.
Playing with texture ideas, then once the colors are dialed, then on to painting them up with a bit more style and detail. Well its gonna be close one for finishing.
No pics, but wanted to say it's still on schedule, but its nice to see an extension was given on the due date. Now we can really play with the engine and polish em up!
color tests and trying to create smaller items to set the mood. Modular fence set, firewood, trees, and stumps to come, still trying to set colors and exact painting style.
Not sure if your bridge will move, but if it doesn't and you have to get the ball to jump using it, I'm pretty sure the angle is too steep. If it lowers then ignore what I said.
Grindy, we're starting to feel the time crunch, so the bridge will be a jumping feature. The idea was to hit the ball near the release and the bridge would go down. If you timed it right, you could release it and make it across in one stroke, but art is taking priority right now. If we get time we will try and do a triggered bridge, but its put on the back burner for now. Here is a quick render of the lodge on the cliff.
Lodge is looking real nice, look forward to seeing it textured and the rest of the scene. You going to add any particle effects like snow? Might be good for the atmosphere of it.
So we're starting to light the scene and starting to polish things up for Sunday, just curious is there any online video tutorials on how the lighting system works or what tools do what? I have use the Project Anarchy lighting tools page. Was wondering if there were other online tutorials anyone found to accompany anarchy's resources?
So, I have yet to contribute to the thread. Me and Rian are working on the project together. So I figured I'd help show updates.
We've been getting more things in the engine and started to work on getting the mood down. Here's a new screen capture of the in game. More to come tomorrow and Sunday.
Okay, every thing is done! I say that in a sense of we ran out of time and wanted to make sure we got something in before the deadline. We started the challenge 2 weeks late unfortunately. We crunched hard to learn the engine and get everything done but simply lacked the time for the amount of polish we wanted. So, on our free time outside of our studio hours, I feel like we got a lot done. But here's what we came up with. Thanks polycount and havok, glad to be apart of the fun challenge.
Yeti Putt-Putt
CameronTHughes & RianShelton
Scene Tri Count: 34774
Will there be a camera that previews the hole before its played?
If not, it will change the hole design dramatically. We will have to pull a lot of the interest towards the camera that follows the ball around. If there is one, then we can leave the design as is and let the preview show off the environment.
Thanks goes to cameronthughes for getting me this screen shot in engine. Here is a proxy, its missing elements but it needed to get to this stage to move forward and see if things are working properly.
You can zoom out of the hole at any point by pressing Z. You can set up oh for it zooms up and out from the ball in the exposed script variables.
You can also choose a entity zoom point and fix rotation on the zoom if you choose.
We've been getting more things in the engine and started to work on getting the mood down. Here's a new screen capture of the in game. More to come tomorrow and Sunday.
Yeti Putt-Putt
CameronTHughes & RianShelton
Scene Tri Count: 34774
Beauty Shots
Technical Shots