I decided to make a separate thread out of this so I don't clog up the workshop thread and so that the solutions to my issues will be easily searchable in the future -- it's hard to find answers in a 500 page thread, I tried!
Anyway, here's the issue:
Regardless of how it looks in the preview turn table, the item always appears to be matte in the game. The emissive (glow), detail map, and normal map (when I get really close to a strong light source) appear to work properly, but specularity shows no change. There's also a strange green tinge to the sword that seems to be cast from the green ring that highlights the ground the hero stands on.

In the turn table, I can have varying specular maps, but it always comes out like above. And I don't understand why it's a white highlight when I've indicated that it should be tinted by color.

The color texture is very WIP (largely because I can't get these masks to work properly, so I don't know what/how I need to paint), but general critique on that is welcome -- especially if you aren't sure what's going on with the rest of the model.
I'm not looking for explicit answers here, just guesses as to where I could be messing up since I'm at a loss now.
Am I correct that the lower area is completely unused? That's a huge waste! You should use up the whole space (for the resolution if you wonder why).
EDIT: I also mean to add a small smoothing group or two to the hilt area.
Later on, I had it bug out again, re-imported the same exact files, and it works once more, so I'm suspecting an issue with my client rather than the masks.
EDIT: In fact, it now seems that I have to resubmit my item twice (changing the name, of course) in order to make it render properly. So strange...