I've been running into some odd problems losing my vertex colors on meshes that I'm painting. After painting a mesh, sometimes I'll lose all of the data I just painted. It's pretty frustrating, as I'm painting four channels of data on large mesh assets.
I'm painting at the instance level, not on the mesh asset itself. Also, my meshes are a bit more dense than normal, ~11k triangles.
Has anybody seen this behavior before? Paint a bunch of colors, close the tool, and have your vertex colors reset/lost. I haven't managed to find a way to reliably repro the issue.
I think I might have solved it, unless I'm imagining things, but I think I might be an idiot. I think I had two instances of the mesh on top of each other. What's odd is that I haven't seen any other artifacts like z-fighting or anything else I'd expect.
I'll keep painting and see what happens and if I can repro it. I'll try decimating a version too just for testing.