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3ds Max 2014 overlapping UVs problem

polycounter lvl 11
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Nam.Nguyen polycounter lvl 11
Hi Everyone !

I've ran into a problem with UVs overlapping in 3ds Max "2014". I mentioned 2014 because I've been using 3ds Max for awhile and never seen this problem before and recently I tried 2014 version.

the problem is when I do overlapping UVs ( and save > close 3ds Max > open file again ) my overlapping shells some how be come "one piece" ( they supposed to be 2 shells sitting on top each other ) even 2 shells of 2 identical separate objects. See the images below and you'll know what I mean.

1. here is my example objects


2. here is all UV shell when unwrapped


3. if I do overlapping UVs, it supposed to look like this


4. but some how it turn to this one ( after I restart 3ds Max )



  • JustColorado
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    JustColorado triangle
    are you sure it is really one piece? It is kind of hard to tell how many are there when they are directly on top of each other. Did you try moving it? If there are 2 it will be pretty clear after you move one that there are 2 on top of each other.
  • wagner.sz
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    wagner.sz polycounter lvl 9
    You installed the service packs?
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Are you welding the pieces when they are on top of each other? Sometimes this can cause border mess ups :)
  • Mark Dygert
    If they are actually welded, you've got some serious problems or a very old version of max.
    If they are just sharing the same W space and the boarders aren't showing up, it's not a big deal.

    Have you tried adjusting their W coordinates? It allows you to push the pieces forward and back.

    U = Horizontal
    V = Vertical
    W = Forward/back

    You can adjust the W value at the bottom of the UV editor window. You can also switch your UV editor to display W space, you do this by changing the UV drop down in the upper right corner.

    This is helpful when baking stacked pieces and you want one to bake over the top of the others, you can just push the others back in W space. This beats offsetting them by one tile to left, right, up or down because you can easily grab them all in one spot.
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