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THE Hunter

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Hello, for my first post i wanted to share with you the work i done for my end year project at the HEAJ. We are a team of 7 student , and we have in mind to create a hack'n slash! So i put some consepts and high polys to get some critics! Don't be shy but keep in mind that's a top view game and the final mesh will be small as a diablo character for exemple. I will maybe update a bit to explain the concept and the history, meanwhile here is some arts :)

First, Zombies!!

The concept


The high poly


And the low in game version


The hero!


Is gun


and the high , not finish yet,


and is sword ;)


Hope you will like them!
Don't forget to send me some feedback! :poly129:


  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    You got some talent. Some real cool ideas and a nicely stylized feel. Looking forward to seeing more.
  • Suba
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    Suba polycounter lvl 5
    Love your style dude.

    The hero looks cool but i would so add him a cape. :D

    The zombie is really original in my opinion. It's creepy and disgusting. Nice job.
  • Illusive
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    Illusive polycounter lvl 8
    looking awesome! love the style. Is that a plague doc mask i see? hopefully the characters aren't going to be too small in your game that they loose the sweet details :)
  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    i can dig it!

    where is your camera gonna be for the game? is this top down, FPS, 3rd person? I ask because if you're camera is far away from the characters potentially the nice ornamental designs on the hero armor won't read too well.

    another thing that depends on distance to camera and your target platform is in the high poly of the zombie the spikes are protruding out of the chest a little and in the low they are not modeled in and kinda baked funny on the chest. If they were modeled in it would help the silhouette just a bit and wouldn't bake odd. but depends on where you camera is and mobile/next gen render targets.

    looks really sweet
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