This is my first attempt at a polycount contest so be gentle! I know I'm a bit late to the party but I'll give it a shot anyway.
The Leaky Galley is an old pirate ship with a hole in its hull! The objective is to get a cannon ball from the ship's wheel on deck down into the hold to block the hole as quickly as possible.
I'm newish to this so please feel free to give tips, suggestions and critique.

Blocking out the shapes in Max.

All textures will eventually be merged into a single 1024x1024 texture to meet the contest requirements. Hopefully they won't look too pixelated!
So you can have 4 512's, or 16 256's, or 64 128's, or whatever combination of those you need, so long as the total area is 1024x1024 px or under.
Top level, almost finished, just needs a bit of polishing.
Second level. Need to fiddle around with the layout a bit.
Third level. Gonna have a break and finish the rest tomorrow. The lighting has glitched out and I don't know how to fix it!
Thanks for the help!!!
The "hole":