So here's the issue guys,

1.I have sculpted my creature in Zbrush (I started in Zbrush with Dynamesh) 2.Retopologized by taking the lowest subdivision and further edited it using Maya's new retopology tools
3.UV'ed it
4.Gone back to my Ztool and exported subdivision 5 of 6 as .OBJ to maya
5.Used transferred attributes to successfully transfer the UV's of low poly to the .OBJ of my high res sculpt. It worked, it was the same UV islands as my low but obviously super densely packed with polygons.
6.When I import the .OBJ of subdivision 5/6 back into the same subdivision of my creature subtool in Zbrush, the UV's become linked by the extremely stretched faces of the points where the islands connected before being cut and unwrapped, /no matter what the subdivision is/, despite the fact that the UVs successfully transferred in Maya without any errors displayed in the UV editor.
I don't get it, I did the exact same thing last semester when I made a first pass on this creature, without any issues. What could be causing this? Anyone have an idea? I need to do this so I can polypaint my high-res and extract a color map that will adhere to my low poly.
What exported file format carries the color information from the polypainted sculpt to Xnormal then though? .OBJ?
For xnormal, select 'Bake Highpoly's Vertex Color' under maps to render. Also make sure that the High Definition Mesh's options are not set to ignore per-vertex color.
someone actually asked almost the same question
check this out
you dont need to unwrap your hipoly mesh at all.