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Adventures in hand painting - Old Church

Hey all, I'm getting in my first real attempt at hand painting textures, and so created this stylized old church. While I definitely feel my texturing can use the most help, if anyone has any feedback on the scene itself, I'd be happy to hear it!






  • TonyNowak
    The roof tiles look good, but the wood could use some more color variation, and some sharper shapes. Try going for some dinged up wood with scratches and whatnot, maybe some boards could be split it places.


    This might be a good starting point for the basics. But you can get real paintlery with it too.
  • Fenyce
    Offline / Send Message
    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    Sweet! I LOVE the geometry!

    For the floor. The contrast between the wood and the rill is to high. I'd paint some more detail into the rills, especially at those bigger gaps. I love the grain, but you should let it pop a little more by increasing the contrast and maybe you should think about some slight color/hue variations.
  • LuckyDevil
    Thanks guys! Color variation seems to be a recurring issue with my textures, so I will definitely try to push that more. While I get do another pass on that, here's a not quite yet complete texture sheet of the coffin cart parked by the church.Au7EeUX.jpg
  • pixelpatron
    Offline / Send Message
    pixelpatron polycounter
    And subscribed....keep going.
  • Gazu
    Offline / Send Message
    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    The whole scene has a really cool style.
    Let us see what the scene looks like textured! :)
  • kn0r
    Cool geo man.
    Maybe you can push the church in terms of shapes compared to the entrance, especially the tower thingie on top.
  • LuckyDevil
    So, after fighting with the wood panel texture for a good while, I decided to just scrap the thing, looked up a couple tutorials and am now coming back with this:

    Feel like this one is a lot stronger, and doesn't look nearly as flat as the original. What do you guys think?

    @knor - Now that you point it out, that tower is very boring. I'll try pushing some verts around and see what I can do.

    Hoping I can have an initial pass on the textures for the rest of the church before the end of the weekend, but I'll be busy for most of the day tomorrow, so we'll see. Stay tuned!
  • LuckyDevil

    So...it's been a busy last few months. I didn't get to work on my scene nearly as much as I wanted to, and I ended up making a much more trimmed down version of what I originally intended. But after putting together this mini scene, I felt the full scene detracted too much from the church itself. So, I will leave this here and call it done. However, I would still love to hear any advice/critiques/suggestions from you guys and I can definitely rework something that you feel isn't working for the scene.
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