Time to quit lurking and being cowed by all the awesome here, I guess!:)
I just started submitting the pieces for my Plague Doctor set, and the two recurring critiques I've gotten so far were that the silhouette is pretty wrecked, and the lore fit is iffy.
Here's the rework I've done towards recapturing the Witch Doctor's silhouette. Mostly it involved remodeling the cowl and shirt, which were really puffed up because I'd had a lot of issues with clipping (I haven't re-rigged the new one yet, but the geometry is a much closer fir than last time so hopefully it will be less of an issue). There are also a few tweaks to bring general shapes closer to the originals, such as the beak curve, feather and lantern placements, and some general tweaking of the belt.

I'm not sure how much I can really do about the lore fit without losing a lot of his plaguey goodness, but I've bumped up the paint daubs on his cowl (also hopefully helps with internal silhouette) and ripped up the shirt more.
I would really appreciate any thoughts on ways to punch up the silhouette or witchiness more. Once I'm done niggling and rigging them I'll be back with in-game comparisons. Thanks guys!
Maybe shrink the lantern about 10%?
It's pretty cool anyway, it's unique.