Hey Guys,
So what is a knight without his sword? :poly105:
Always bothered me Omniknight was given a hammer, honestly, what knight wields a hammer? Well, now he can be properly equipped and look good doing it

Honestly this was just a test run for the process. I had never brought a model into Dota 2 before and wanted to put MayaLT through its paces (im an old max guy). Process was surprisingly painless.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Any questions on Maya LT and the process itself are welcome...
So, there is the story of why Omniknight uses a hammer.
@eden Haha, Wow, thats funny. THanks for the back story. Makes my title for the sword even better. "The Lost Sword of the Omniscience" Cool? Fitting even?
Edit: Avoid making a thread for every item made, post all your items in a single/personal thread or in the Workshop Thread.
Agreed, it's a well made asset, but it does not fit Dota style, and is this sword HAL powered?
@vlad : I have not finalized textures. These are very rough, though omniknight, of all the heros, feels less "cartoony" than others and in my opinion the swords more "real" look is ok. That said, I will be trying to get a more drawn feel out of it on my next pass. (hopefully today if my schedule allows it). As I mentioned I am looking forward to using the Dta Specific shader for Shader FX in Maya LT before i do any finalizing. Trying to texture, recompile, export, import just to see results is a royal PITA. Having my results post in MayaLT will be the cats meow.
@kite212 You found me out. I am pretty sure that exact image is the background image for the glowing orb in the center that I used as my placeholder.
To all: This is really just a case study for me. It may end up on the dota store but, I was far more interested in seeing just how complete a toolset Maya LT is for doing assets for off the shelf games that allow modding/workshop type stuff. Needless to say, im ratherr pleased with the results. I just recently started using MayaLT not 2 months ago (around Christmas). It was easy to learn that's for sure, the transfer results are good (I really like turtle) and the uv mapping tools were very easy to use. So for me, my test will be successful once I get the Shader FX doing what I want as it really is the last big step.
Now just to fix my god awful textures. Dunno about you guys, but the way the dota maps are optimized makes my head hurt. :poly115: Im just so used to having separated maps (diffuse, spec, normal, glow etc). At least now i can see the results of changes quickly.