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Help With Decisions for Rigging: Rather Clarifications (Urgent)

polycounter lvl 6
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Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
Hey guys i'm doing a rig and i have completed the bone structure. I am now getting onto the technical bits adding constrains and controllers. But before i started I just wanted to know peoples opinions on

- Reverse Foot
-FK and Ik blends for arms and foot
_ And if its possible to apply both methods on the same rigg

i want to create a reverse foot rig with a fk and ik blend, Would this be a good or pointless thing to do.

Any other suggestions would be great and i am working in 3dsmax

Any help or opinions could be great ill put up pictures soon :)


  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Also just like to add this will be my 1st ever character rigg so i am a total noob at this
  • Denny
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    Denny polycounter lvl 14
    I use Maya but I believe the same method should be possible with 3dsmax. Create three separate chains for your setup. (names are just for illustration)

    Deform (Thigh, Shin, Foot, ...) - This deforms your character
    IK (IK_Thigh, IK_Shin, IK_Foot, ...) - Do your reverse foot and IK on this one
    FK (FK_Thigh, FK_Shin, FK_Foot, ...) - Your typical FK chain

    Note that the FK and IK chains are DUPLICATES of the Deform chain, this is important. Then do all your rigging on the IK and FK chains. The IK and FK chains then drive the Deform chain. By doing this you'll get clean interpolation with no flipping when you blend between IK and FK. What essentially happens is that you create two states for the deform chain to follow and blend between.

    It may be possible that Max has its own way of doing good IK/FK structures. If so, someone more experienced with the program please chime in.
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Cool thank you, this is great information and you have clarified and instructed how to do it. I will get onto it right away. One quick question.

    Also looking through the many tutorials i see that some people use an extra bone joint in the reverse foot setup, i have decided to use it as well, but is this wise in your opinion. What do you think of this decision and what would you suggest.

    Finally if used, does the FK chain Also Require another toe joint?

    This is if the character is taping his feet, tip toeing etc...
  • Denny
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    Denny polycounter lvl 14
    Add all the bones necessary to do the setup you need. I suspect what you refer to regarding the extra bone, in the reverse foot setup, is either for IK or pivot purposes. Ask yourself if the setup can be done without it? Are you uncertain? Experiment. Parts of the rigging process is pure problem solving. So do a fusion of your thinking and creativity hats and put it on, you'll need it!

    For the FK chain, add only the joints you need for being able to control the character. No need to add redundant bones if they serve no purpose. Some people like to add extra joints to see the vector (direction) of the bone.

    I suggest you focus mainly on getting your rig to work. If it happens to become cluttered it's okay. The most important part is that it's stable and usable for the animator.

    So to keep it simple: Does the leg bend like its supposed to when you manipulate the rig? Great! Then you've solved that part of the rig, continue with the next part. Don't get lost in the small details.
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    kool thanks for your advise its been very helpful. i have now started the FK set up for legs and arms. Alongside testing them making sure it works. F is fairly simple, just the worry off messing up on IK set ups. But as you said its about problem solving and testing
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Hey peoples i need help on my rig, its coming along quite fine, but now i need to start adding in features which will enhance the rig. One of my requirements for character rigging for my Dissertation is to Add a Button that enables, resetting of objects and locking/ unlocking objects.

    I found a video of a guy using this technique but its in maya, i need some Direction in 3dsmax and where to start.


    1Min 30 Secounds

    Also Im on the finger part of my rig as-well, i need some guidance in where to start with that, for what i want to achieve the basic tutorials out their i don't know if it will be enough,

    Automated Fingers
    2 DOF thumb
    Independent Finger Rolling
    F*inger Splay system
    layered controllers & Reset button
    Button to reset all Spinners/Sliders
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