Hello !
I've sculpted a small object in zbrush yesterday and saved it as an obj instead of a ztool (I was planning on using it as a simple detail ztool on a base 2.5D tileable texture). Now when I opened the obj again in zbrush; I didn't see any of my color information. I tried creating a texture form polypaint, hit the colorize button, but sstill no colors.
I tried extracting the color infos with xnormal : it worked in some way, but well I didn't create the uvs for that object since I don't really need it for what I plan to do with it...so it's all messed.
Does anyone know if I can get my proper polypaint from zbrush when importing an obj? Or do i have to do the painting again and just...not make the obj export mistake again?

Thanks for the help !
ya its because vertex colour(poly paint) isnt a feature in the obj specification, zbrush puts it into obj files, but appending it to the end of a obj file as commented out code, so that other packages ignore the content unless they use a custom importer, such as xnormal, or such as maya with goz.
if your opening it in zbrush why obj? why not a ztool.
What you could prolly do is open the file in a package that supports goz, than goz it back to zbrush.
If you link me the file, i could check it in a text editor to make sure the polypaint data is there, than goz it to zbrush.
Correct me if I am wrong... but I don't think exporting an polypainted obj from zb then importing into that say max, then gozing is going to bring the polypaint back across into zb?