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Frazetta's "Freedom"

polycounter lvl 8
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Marcellus polycounter lvl 8
This started as a modeling challenge for cgtalk, but time ran out and I kept working on it. This is my appreciation piece for one of my favorite artists.


  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Wow, great modeling, anatomy, and did a good job sticking to the concept. I like the changes that you did make, particularly making the women heavier and less idealized. The veins in the breast I feel are a bit large/over-emphasized, but that's a tiny bit-pick. Seriously good work.
  • Texelion
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    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    Oh sweet ^^.

    Why did you do the girls fatter ?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Artistic license?

    i actually quite like it!
  • Mik2121
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    Mik2121 polycounter lvl 9
    Great models and anatomy, although it's true that the bodies got quite fatter and the faces are kinda scary compared to the softer and cuter faces of the original concept.
  • mark williams
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    mark williams polycounter lvl 5
    awesome work.
    Is that image at the top of the thread a paintover or was it textured?
  • Dre#51
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    Great job! Would have to disagree on the veiny bit, as that is common for women of that ......chest/body volume and complexion =P
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    I love the increase in size of the girls. I feel like that matches the main character's "era" if you will. I think the extra curves and more distinct faces you gave them makes for a stronger overall piece.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Those nipples reach to her bellybutton. Possibly even lower.

    And you've got very inconsistent surface detail scale everywhere. The foot is super wrinkly, overriding the larger shapes with fold, yet lacks small subtle skincreases(also they seem very skin over bones for a fat person)
    How%2Bto%2BMeditate%2B-%2BKneeling_stool_back.png[img], while the rest of her body is super smooth and more like soft wax. Their hairs are simple as primary shapes, with a lot of scratched lines for strands, but no real volumetric clumps. Rocks and ground feel similar; large shapes with cracks but not much intermediate scale detail. His pants are missing the larger details such as the soft folds near his hip and shin, and only has very narrow diagonal folds. Oh, and neither of the ladies appear to have armpit folds. A good comparison is that one butt shot. Notice how there's an obvious larger form, but then the cheek dimple and the knee/loin muscle break up uniformity a bit, and then you have some wobbly detail from cellulite. And how that crease between her butt and leg isn't one, but it branches out at the side, almost like a fractal tree. That's great layering of detail scales. All that could possibly be added is some striae and skinpores but that's would be better handled in the texture I think. But the cloth covering her legs has some very clear cut folds at the top, then only largish detail all down the leg, and all of about the same softness. Some areas should have creases within creases (like the deepest crevisces, and the 'inner' side of a swoop), and some should have sharper corners fading into soft curves. And many fabrics have some roughness pattern that looks like cellulite, too:[/img]actual-image-draped-satin-dress-with-grosgrain.jpg

    In short; you seem to have decent proportion/form and small detail, but haven't quite mastered the transition between them yet. I have a feeling that explains the faces, too, at least in part. Though they also feel flat, somehow, in particular the standing gal.
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    This is FANTASTIC!
  • Marcellus
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    Marcellus polycounter lvl 8
    @Snyder: nice observations

    @Mark Williams: the final piece was multipass renders composited in photoshop. Lots of screen blending was used to get some of the originals flavor.

    @Texelion: because thick girls are the best. ;)
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