Hi there,
I have been working on a project which is more of an environment piece and I am looking for some feedback to try and improve the scene. Bad lighting - textures - broken Normals - anything like that.
The idea is that you can select different styles and materials of a pool. The pool should be the focus in the scene.
My workflow is Blender > XNormal > HandPlane > Unity. There are still a few things to add including swap-able floor textures.
***updated player in last post***
But i have some crits for you
- Not sure if its possible in unity but the controls are sloppy and annoying
as a user you want the freedom and want to be able to play with it.
play as in "can easely rotate around the pool, zooming etc.
Tried it on a tablet ?
- The GUI is very basic and unlogic
For instance instead of having 2 buttons with "no floor mirror / floor mirror" why not just a simple checkmark ?
Or (my opinion) why even bother with a GUI ? maybe it's interesting to make everything clickable, so if i want to change the edge of the pool, i simply click on the edge and a small window pops up with the options
- the environment is pretty boring and dark. why not making a garden or something around it ? create a mood for the pool, users love that.
- I'm missing the lighting in the scene
Maybe it would be cool if you could swap between day and night. Like if you could implement lights in the water and actually see how it looks when its night. these small things can realy impress the user.
Keep it up !
In response to the question about user interface. This is not a solution for the finished product. I designed these controls only for personal use. The final controls will be touch controls on a tablet or phone - hopefully designed by a logical person (unlike myself).
Building an environment around the pool is a good idea I think. That was my first reaction as well, but it was explained to me that they did not want to distract in any way from the pool itself, also not wanting to give the impression that other items are for sale. I have tried to improve the ground textures a bit.
I like the idea of night time settings and being able to play with lighting. I'll pass that idea along.
Thanks for the comments.
Here is an updated version.
Here is another link:
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