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Bettering Yourself - 3D Environment Collection

Hey everyone,

Recently I read an article from www.worldofleveldesign.com called "Deliberate Practice for Level Designers and Game Environment Artist". Here's a link if you want to go check it out. After reading said article, I decided that I would try and put some of the things discussed into practice.

I'm currently in a producer role, but was trained as a 3D environment artist. I figured what better way to keep my skills up and ideally improve them than to do little "challenges" 3-5 times a week (or as much as I can fit into my weekly schedule). These are very short challenges, normally 30-90 min each, where you pick a specific item or skill to work on and you dedicate that challenge to working on it.

With working on these and wanting to progress my skills I figured it would be a great thing to start a thread to document the challenges.

All that being said, this thread is going to be my location to post each challenge and what ever comes from each one (no matter how bad they look) and I'll probably include some "post challenge" notes on what I learn.

Thanks for checking out the thread guys and feel free to post any comments below!


  • chazzur
    Day 1



    Challenge: Choose a plant and make a "finalized" prop.
    Time: 90 min

    So day 1 I decided I would do something relatively simple. I chose a seemingly simple object and decided to see how far I could get the object to a final state. I gave myself 90 mmin and did no research ahead of time as to what type of plant or pot I wanted to create.

    What I learned:
    Even with doing a simple object like a little plant it is really difficult to take an object from concept to completion in only 90 min. Regardless I got as far as I far as I could. By the end I was rushing to get any sort of texture on it and with being is such a rush I was relatively okay with it.

    C&C are welcome below!
  • chazzur
    For today's challenge a colleague and I decided that we would do a 30 min challenge during a lunch break. It was decided that in the 30 we would attempt to model this running shoe to the best of our ability.







    I do have to say I am on the verge of embarrassment for uploading these, but given a 30 min time frame it is quite difficult to model a shoe. Especially for the first time ever trying such an object. If you have never given yourself a short time frame to do something like this I really encourage you to try it out and see how far you can get.

    Here's to hoping that future posts start looking a little better and as always comments and critiques are always welcome.
  • Der Hollander
    It looks like you ran into some issues with the shoe making it a watertight mesh, I would recommend for something like that next time to just block out the major form of the shoe, then extract faces where needed (Like the sole and sole lining) and then abuse the everloving crap out of the Shell and Push modifiers. I would also recommend giving Turbosmooth's "Smoothing Groups" function under Surface Parameters a go, it will subdivide the mesh more evenly and only smooths along soft normals. I find it saves a lot of time without having to bugger with smoothing loops and it's a lot easier to go back and fix if I make mistakes.

    I think these challenges are a good idea, especially if you take stock afterward and then research ways you could save time/ improve technique or workflow and apply them the next go 'round.
  • chazzur
    Thanks for the info Der. Smoothing groups are a thing in Max that I will admit to not spending too much time with. The hardest part of these little challenges (apart from finding the free time) is the time constraints. I'm considering starting to give them more time because, in all honesty, 30 min just isn't long enough to get deep into a subject and learn much from it. Either way I really enjoy them and look forward to more in the future.
  • chazzur
    Alright so I finally found some time to upload this next challenge. Once again, I had to find time during a lunch break so this is another short one. 20 min challenge with an emphasis on modeling. I gave myself (and a co-worker) 20 min to model this little quad copter from the reference below. I'm relatively happy with it, but feel like I should get away from such geometric shapes since it makes it a little easy. I'm also considering to require these challenges to become longer than the last couple so I can actually have time to learn about the specific process I'm working on and potentially run into more problems. Regardless, here are the results of challenge number 03. C&C are always welcome and if you have any ideas you would like to see in future challenges post them below. Thanks for checking it out!


    Here are larger images for those that would like to see them.




  • ayoub44
    Offline / Send Message
    ayoub44 polycounter lvl 10
    Great idea ! Keep it up :)

    good luck
  • Frawmus
    Pretty good read on that article. I think I might try this out. Especially in the texture field for me. I'm currently just "getting by" with my textures. I really would like to excel, because no matter how well you model something, if your textures suck then you're out of luck.
  • chazzur
    Frawmus wrote: »
    Pretty good read on that article. I think I might try this out. Especially in the texture field for me. I'm currently just "getting by" with my textures. I really would like to excel, because no matter how well you model something, if your textures suck then you're out of luck.

    I feel the exact same. I'm in that situation where I feel pretty strong with my modeling, but I know my textures could kick my quality level up a few notches. What I plan to do for future challenges is focus on both texturing in Photoshop along along with normal map baking from high poly models. I think that is a key for me personally to get to the next level. Thanks for the response!
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