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Male Character Head (WIP)

polycounter lvl 5
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owlfrog polycounter lvl 5
Hello, I'm currently trying to practice my topology while modeling.. I've been modeling for quite a bit now but I really need to work over some bad habits. This is a head for a human male base character I'm working on. I want to build a fully modular character. The specs I have for the character (in reference to the face/head):
-Stylized: I want to work on a style that reads well, but isn't too difficult to replicate for other assets.
-Animations: The character's head really only needs to have a functioning mouth for talking, the only other animation I would possibly use is furrowing the brow.

I obviously need to add the ears to the character, but I want to get the face and skull proportions correct first. Any advice or tips would be incredibly helpful, thanks!





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