Fair humans of Polycount, I call upon thee! (yet again)
I'm tackling my capstone assignment for my final year in Game Development, which is essentially an outdoor environment piece using landscape.

I have seen several people use a UDK > World Machine > UDK workflow with good results, and am interested in trying it for my capstone. When I created my landscape, I selected it and scaled it down to get denser tessellation for sculpting (uniformly in all axis). I have exported a heightmap from it in .R16 format, and plugged it into World Machine's file input node, and it displays very flat.

This is the issue that is preventing me from progressing further. I understand that there are adjustable Altitude Scaling & Elevation Span parameters within the file input node, but no configurations are properly reading my landscape heightmap true to its size in UDK, and I have no idea how to know what the proper value inputs would be for these parameters.
Can anyone help me out here?