Hellooo everyone, I've had this account for years but only just collected up the nerve to start posting stuff up for critiques! I'm a 3D Environment student with an emphasis in storytelling and am looking to improve, part of which will hopefully come from posting more on here. Feedback of all kinds is definitely welcome.
Most of this work is about one semester old but I'm looking to continue working on it and perhaps buff it up because they all need a lottt of work.
I enjoy making characters but my primary focus right now is stylized, hand painterly 3D environments.
(I'm not sure what the best way to post images here is, so I'll have to edit this mass dump post later)
The current trainwreck I'm working on; first time really doing hand painted stuff so this still needs a lot of work.
I'm also going back and refurbing this older project to furnish it more, currently doing paintovers. I have problems filling spaces so this is also still a huge wip.
A Journey style level that, after receiving some feedback on, would like to revisit at some point.
and some older character stuff for fun
and this ancient thing
thank you for bearing with this image dump, I'll be updating this thread accordingly
Something I put together for the blizz student contest, but I didn't really put the right amount of time + planning into it so sort of ended up pretty underwhelming... would like to revisit and take another try at this in the future.
plus a crate+barrel. Need to study more materials ahhh