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Sheild (help! D: )

polycounter lvl 8
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Littlenorwegians polycounter lvl 8
Right, so I am making a shield, quite simply. It looks like this, thus far.
There are a few problems I am encountering.


- Realistic damage. I'm having a hard time making realistic cuts and scrapes. I feel I could do better.
- Marmoset Toolbag 2.0 help! I could do with some help as the wood looks too shiny/glossy always and the metal too chrome-like. Much of all of this may be my inexperience with it.

Basically, I am trying to reach a good 3d video game artist standard with my assets. I'd really appreciate the help. :)

I use Blender, Zbrush, xNormal and Marmoset Toolbag.


  • Nosslak
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    Nosslak polycounter lvl 12
    Most shields wouldn't be constructed like that without a trim around the outer edges. The typical trim exists for a reason namely to reinforce the strength of the shield so that it wouldn't break down as easily. If you're dead set on the design I'd at least make the edges very shattered and worn (with big chunks of wood missing).

    The different planks need some subtle color variation.

    If you're not using metalness maps (I'd recommend them) you should make the metals diffuse a lot darker with a bright specular.

    It also needs some dirt between the metal trim and the wood as well as between the planks, but I'm assuming that's coming.

    I would also probably fill in the symbol with some paint (red or black) or sculpt it to be deeper as to make it more obvious from a distance.
  • Littlenorwegians
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    Littlenorwegians polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks, Nosslak. I'll try.

    The rim bit's a bit odd because I'm following a reference, but it still looks odd (It's reinforced on the back I think?) and I will change it. Looks better.

    I'll be back as soon as I've tweaked. People can keep giving tips. This is helpful.
  • SaboR1996
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    SaboR1996 polycounter lvl 8
    The wood specular feels a bit intense in the second image
  • Littlenorwegians
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    Littlenorwegians polycounter lvl 8
    SaboR1996 wrote: »
    The wood specular feels a bit intense in the second image
    Yeah, it's an error in my specular. It sorta fades over from the metal in a a weird way. Will fix. Good eye. ;)
  • Megacorpse
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    Megacorpse polycounter lvl 8
    For the metal looking like plastic : darken your diffuse, put the scratches in your specular, I recommend using a gloss map too, to give the shininess that "dirty" non-uniform metal diffusion.
  • Littlenorwegians
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    Littlenorwegians polycounter lvl 8
    Trying some gloss and metalness maps had an interesting effect.
    Gonna have to try more. This is all very exciting for me. :)

    Will experiment more.
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