Hi! First of all this my first thread... be gentle!
I've been working in zbrush for a while now. I'm still learning...
I got an offer to go to an interview (nothing major) and ended up never going because I didn't have a proper portfolio. I didn't had nothing finished actually, so I would have just wasted their time with nothing to show for. I'm rushing to make a few compositions so in the near future at least I'll have something to show while I'm learning proper texturing, UV's, topology, etc.
So I need any opinions and criticizm on anatomy, likeness and I could use some info on facial veins and wrinkles.
It's based on the uruks in LOTR... currently its rendered in Zbrush, I need any feedback I can get before I do the final rendering in Photoshop, will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Thanks for the feedback
Thanks I'm glad you like it. At first it was supposed to be Azog from The hobbit, but I saw many fanart sculpts of him and lost interest.
I saw your gallery on deviantart. Nice models, you should really try some sculpt based 3d app like Mudbox or Zbrush. You can import your models in Zbrush and make them more organic. By sculpting my 2d perception got better too. I mean I still suck at 2d but it helps.
Anyway thanks for the feedback guys
Uruk was the name for Orc, in middle earth. Uruk's were created by Morgoth, from elves who he had captured, tortured and perverted, turned away from the light.
Uruk-hai are a name given by Saruman to his own "breed" of Uruk, and in the books they're actually mentioned by that name fairly infrequently. But essentially, the only difference was unwavering loyalty (unlike regular Uruks) and no aversion to sunlight.
With that in mind, my own feedback is that yes, peter jacksons interpretation of Uruks (generality) is one of the best out there, and that this particular model is too clean, and "nice" to be an Uruk. He could definitely do with a few more beatings with an ugly stick or two, and overall more squat proportions.
Although I used Lurtz as a reference I can notice most of those things in him too. Oh and the crease on the nose is due to the makeup. Since they can't make the makeup move along with the muscles around the nose in some scenes they don't have a crease at all. Still I'll try to flatten the nose out as much as I can without losing much detail. Thanks again your feedback its much appreciated!
edit: It may have been easier for the actors to breath with the large nostril flares, and ultimately looked better with a large ridge instead of more human nostrils.
Your model looks great but I agree with everyone if you are going to use that paticular orc model, you should make him dirty gritty, beat down and follow the anatomy.
I'm not using any orc model in particular, I wanted to make my own from bits and pieces combined from the ones I liked , it's more fun that way.
Oh and thanks for the feedback
Let me know if I got the basic shapes down to the required likeness.