I'm no expert in using UDK as a render tool so there's probably just something I'm missing - but this is a problem I have not been able to figure out after hours of searching around so I thought I'd just ask. I've run into it multiple times before but this is the first time I've had the chance to sit down and try to figure it out.
I'm need this model to be an interpactor so I can rotate him for a turntable instead of the camera.
On the left is how my model looks as a staticmesh (which is how I want him to look), and on the right is him as an interpactor, with the same lighting setup. On the interpactor he looks like the spec was cranked too high and the fresnel appears to be more pronounced in certain areas... Is there any way I can compensate for this? Something I need to change in the material? A setting in the lights?
I also have a question regarding the seams on his arms. These seams coincide with the splits of the UV shells and show up mainly when I have a spec map enabled, though they are also apparent with a blank material applied.
Is there any way to get rid of these seams without just having to redo the uvs? I've futzed with the lightmap and tried increasing the resolution, made a new one in Maya and imported it and tried UDK's lightmap generator but I had seams stay in every instance.