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Maya, UV groups / shading network headache

polycounter lvl 6
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_Connor polycounter lvl 6
So I have a character divided into two UV groups, head and body. I made a mia shader for the head and want to apply the same shader to the body, but with different maps, yet be able to tweak the spec/diffuse etc. for both, on one shader.


Screenshot might help clarify.

Is this achievable? or am i better off just duplicating the whole network, applying it to the second UV group, and tweaking the values manually between the two?


  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    First of all. It's called "UV Sets" in Maya.

    Secondly. If you are using one shader for this solution you have one input for each texture, i.e. one Diffuse input slut, etc. If you plan on using several textures to finally plug into one input slot you need to handle combining/blending them together somehow.

    To work with several uv set and linking certain texture to use certain uv sets you can use the Windows > Relationship Editors > UV-Linking > Pick one of your liking. Working with this editor will automatically add uvChooser nodes to your shader network that feed into the place2DTexture nodes.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    A more common usage of several UV sets is to have a certain texture use a certain UV set. For instance having one default optimized UV set for all your textures except for your Ambient Occlusion or Light Map since this UV set cannot have overlapping UVs.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    For your case you could probably just use two shaders, apply them to their corresponding faces.
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    i wont use uv sets...
    its called uv tiles... uvs outside the uv space 0-1...
    mudbox and mari are able to read them native...
    all hero assets in feature film are using this workflow... hundreds of texture tiles and only one shader...

    in maya you have to offset the uvs... you could chain filetexture nodes together... or use a layerd texture...

    if you use mudbox file naming there is a mel script from ash that will do the shading network for you...
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
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