Hey guys, I was talking on the IRC with a few other polycounters about my recent dive into SFM. The conversation eventually led to me sharing tons of links to resources I've found, and Boltz made the recommendation to gather it so it's on in one place on polycount.
Wky's guide to setting up Dota 2 with Filmmaker
This guide will provide you with just about everything you'll need to get dota functional within source filmmaker. Where you'll need to start more or less.
Dota 2 Vertex Lit Generic for Source Filmmaker
BlueFlyTrap is working on editing all of the heroes shaders and really making them look fantastic with the modifications he does. He has a good ammount of heroes already done and seems to be open to suggestions. Doing great service for the SFM community.
I'm also going to cover how to get cosmetics working in SFM since the above tutorial does not.
When you compile the item, it creates the .mdl files on your directory. The files you need to aquire are in;
dota 2 beta\dota\models\items\<hero//courier>\<10 digit variable>\<item>
dota 2 beta\dota\materials\models\items\<hero//courier>\<10 digit variable>\<item>
For example, my directory looks like;
dota 2 beta\dota\models\items\courier\0x00b9aada\<item>
dota 2 beta\dota\materials\models\items\courier\0x00b9aada\<item>
You're should be similar.
When you bring them over to source film maker, you need copy over the entire directory including the folder with the 10 random numbers. It's important to have that otherwise SFM will not find the model or material data for the item.
Using my previous examples, in source film maker my directory looks like this;
SourceFilmmaker\game\Dota 2\models\items\courier\0x00b9aada\<item>
SourceFilmmaker\game\Dota 2\materials\models\items\courier\0x00b9aada\<item>
If you've got everything set up, your cosmetics will load in SFM. Although you might notice some material issues. This is where BlueFlyTrap's other tutoral comes into play, he covers his process on editing textures to get them functional in SFM. You can find that
You'll also need some maps to play with. Here are some links for the maps.
Normal Map
Credits: The Kins (Facepunch)
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25843724/sfm_dota_clientprops.7zWinter Map
Credits: Frable (Facepunch)
Download (ZPlane Distance increased to 9000):
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/79020539/winter.7zTutorial Map 1
Credits: Frable (Facepunch)
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/79020539/Tut1map_norays.7zTutorial Map 2
Credits: Kyuownz (Facepunch)
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/79020539/Tutorial%202%20map.7zCustom Map by Kyuownz
Finally, the most useful tool of them all. Revzin has created two very useful tools for SFM that are related to Dota 2. First, his "Assembly Script", which when you load in SFM automatically binds all of the different peices of dota characters together making the once time consuming process, now instant at the click of a button. This is a MUST HAVE.
The Assembly Script
Installation guide:
Unzip to SourceFilmmaker\game\platform\scripts\sfm\animset\
You can read more about it
The second tool Revzin created is the Dota 2 Universal SFM Rig Script. Unlike TF2, Dota Heroes are much more unique and don't have similar bone structure. This causes massive problems with the default rig script that comes stock within SFM. Revzin has created a tool that works with just about any Dota hero. The script is massive and complex, but absolutly brilliant and a must have for anyone looking to do some custom animations within SFM using Dota Heroes.
Dota 2 Universal Rig Script
Installation guide:
Unzip to SourceFilmmaker\game\platform\scripts\sfm\animset\
You can read more about it
Revzin has a bunch of other tools on his website and I recommend checking it out as well.
Revzin's Home Page
Here's some more tutorials I've found, these will be a bit more generic to the overall SFM but the techiques taught are useful when creating showcase videos for your cosmetics.
Almost a requirement, but Valve put out a series of 17 tutorials. All of them packed with crazy amount of information. All of these are a must watch.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqcRoizrv3Q&list=PL2B46DEB4157E67C4&index=1"]00 basics - YouTube[/ame]
Someone also conviently put all of them into one video, this might be easier for some people.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG02JftoiLU"]Source Filmmaker Official Full Tutorial by © Valve - YouTube[/ame]
If anyone has any questions about SFM feel free to toss me a message in the IRC, and if anyone else finds and useful SFM material post it up here. This makes things a lot easier to find having them all in one place. Can't wait to see what awesome SFM stuff you come up with! Cheers!
Thanks a billion times over Helenek, you ole dog!
Here's some pony tutorials.
And here's some videos i made for sets.
Thanks for this thread too, it's a good hub for dota2 sfm stuff.