Im currenly working on my first project on zbrush and i finally managed to do something other than a sphere.
I looked around forums, sites, zbrushcentral etc but i think im not writing the question right.
I attached a thumbnail to show u my problem.
How do i "select" it. I know zbrush refers to obejcts as tools but i cant find this tool that im working with anywhere.
help pls
In the Subtools menu of the Tools bar there's a list of all the tools on your canvas. Click on the one you're working on. With the default UI it's always on tthe right of the screen.
Make sure you're in Edit mode and not just Draw mode. Hotkey "T"
Tools that are imported into zbrush can be selected under the Tool pallette (usually in the top-right of the default layout). Subtools can be selected by using the Tool: Subtool subpallete, or by alt+clicking on the subtool.
Some actions will convert the 3d tool into a 2d image (such as snapshotting it with shift+s, exiting the tool's edit mode, or by saving and laoding the document itself instead of the tool). If this happens then you'll have to clear the document pixels by hitting ctrl+N, and possibly redraw the tool back onto the document with edit mode on. If you accidentally saved the document instead of the tool and no longer have access to the model, you're out of luck.
yea, this happened after i saved the document as .zbr (twice!!!).
so i must save as .ztl at the corner of the tool palatte right ?
(posted the thumbnail now)
it was not the case of the edit mode. ty anyway.
If you're only working on a sculpt, just save the tool itself (.ztl) for the most reliable and straight forward way.
The begning of learning a software alaways has this little things that result in 1-2 days of not working.
Thanks for the information. Respect .