Hi polycount!
I'm new to the 3d design and also this forum..
I'v finished my first submission and already submitted the item for spring 2014 item

Here is my link to submitted item
Feel free to rate & comment guys..
Since i'm new to 3d design, i really appreciate any comment and critique for any aspect of the item.. in order for me to get better next time..
Thanks Polycount!!
here is the color map
since i just begin to leard 3d design, back there i still have no idea what a seams in UV mapping will do and also the what will smoothing groups do
so i finally get what evryone means by using the word "hard edges"
i used a hell lot of smoothing groups back there and bad UV mapping
just realized it after i finish the color map and decided to stay with it,
thinked that i wont have enough time til the deadline if i go re-UV-ing my model and recreate the color map.
resulting i have to modified a lot in my normal map and also in adjusting the UV map to the model
wont do that next time ^^
thanks for your feedback
any further C&C will really be appreciated
i did that on purpose to get it more naturally i think..
i did a lot manual gradation by brush,
do you think it will look better if i get rid of those blurry dirt?
but not in the close time cause i got something to do
btw thanks for your time man
really appreciate it ^^
how's your ward doing?
scuplt a little, and this is what i am thinking of the concept
still a rough one, hope can finish this up soon
and i'm looking for anyone that interested to collab with me since a have so little time to do any further modelling, sculpt, etc
I really appreciate any feedback or suggestion from u guys