Well over the last few weeks my motivation levels have been dropping, Like a lot, I feel like I can't do anything, I don't want to do anything, it feels like every program and website is working against me for me to achieve work.
I have gotten to the point where I'm not even interested in 3D modelling or education in games development at all, I'm going to be taking a gap year after this year is finished, but i'm not even sure if I want to go to Uni anymore, I know it isn't depression, because it only effects work, anything else is fine, I have tried to get myself stuck into a personal project which seems practically impossible at this time.
Has anyone else had these problems and got any tips on fighting poor motivational habits, its really starting to bum me out I guess.
I guess this thread could also help others with the same problem, which is generally quite common
For me, I have periods when, just like you, I can't do anything at all, I just don't want to and my brain doesn't seem to wire correctly with work... and I think it's quite normal to have those sort of motivation losses, nothing to worry about.
Usually when this happens, I just don't force myself to work, I let some time goes by, I play video-games which is a huge inspiration for me, and also I take interest a lot in arts in all it's forms, music, movies, manga, drawings, 3d productions... and that kind of stuff and at some point, well I don't want to do nothing anymore ! and then my motivation is back ! It's kinda a weird cycle with me but that's how I work ^^
It's also good to realize that in a studio environment, a character, environment, etc.. is usually the work of multiple people. A designer writes up a description, a concept artist creates the concept and gets feedback and finally you model the asset. Trying to do all original work on your own is really doing the work of 3 or more people, it's understandable that it's hard to stay motivated doing that. Find cool concepts on the internet and make them. I should follow my own advice :P