It is just too cool to not vote for it. (Seems like too much for one month though)
This one gets my vote for a couple reasons.
a. It is a piece that was created with "hinted detail" which will spark some creativity.
b. Great fun atmosphere with a chance to really play with foliage and overgrowth.
c. It also looks complicated, but could be broken down into many modular pieces. So for learning purposes I think it would be great practice on how to handle complex concept art that an art director might be set on.
Personally I would join in on this one and try to build it in unity using Shader Forge.
Hand painted and Sci-fi concept's seem to be dominating the Noob challenge's...
I think it's because they are good subject for learning - sci-fi corridors are good for learning modular workflow and hand painted concept's are good exercise for texturing.
The village concept is far too complicated for a one month noob challenge. I really can only seeing it being accessible to people who are better than noob and have lots of freetime if they want to actually finish it and finish it well. The same goes for the windmill. I feel the well is the best balance and can have additional assets built around it as well as a whole scene if you want to really make something small and polished. There are particles in it as well so I think it gives people more to play will and more time to refine assets.
This one gets my vote for a couple reasons.
a. It is a piece that was created with "hinted detail" which will spark some creativity.
b. Great fun atmosphere with a chance to really play with foliage and overgrowth.
c. It also looks complicated, but could be broken down into many modular pieces. So for learning purposes I think it would be great practice on how to handle complex concept art that an art director might be set on.
Personally I would join in on this one and try to build it in unity using Shader Forge.
All of these look really, really nice.
One question about the rules though, is it ok to cooperate with a friend on these challenges?
and this :
hope i found some time to work on this noob challenge
Good luck to you guys! Hehe my vote would be for the well.
Gotta love the Photo-bash! :poly124:
Seems like a great concept to work with. I vote for this one.
Pretty cool concept which I've been wanting to have a go at for awhile.
Sweet ! I'm all for this one too !
It's the first of the month.
My vote:
I think it's because they are good subject for learning - sci-fi corridors are good for learning modular workflow and hand painted concept's are good exercise for texturing.
I don't mind it, literally just stating that those kind of concepts are pwning
I love that image... haha I've actually started modeling it before. I'm a big fan of his work.