Hi, I modeled this cap from a sphere and there is this ugly merging point i Can't get rid of.
Can someone please tell me if there is a way around it?
Thanks, Blendermonkey
Yup. Retopo it and then bring that into Zbrush. Project the details, subdivide, project the details again to get finer detail, etc. Do that until you get all the details of the original, and then continue sculpting to smooth out any errors or artifacts along the way.
If the polycount is high enough- and it looks like, smoothing with shift-release would still work. It´s exactly for smoothing uneven topology or heavy poles.
How about Dynamesh or a subdivided box projected to the initial cap? Many ways work here.
This is the easiest thing ever in zbrush. In fact, it's one of the main reasons why zbrush is so awesome compared to any other sculpting app. I'm surprised you don't know how to deal with it :P
Simply dynamesh or z-remesh the hat (I would try zremesher first because it's more efficient polycount wise). Basically, duplicate this subtool, z-remesh it down to sub-10k polys, project the original, subdivide, project again, etc. till you're on a reasonable resolution.
After that, you're probably gonna have a little trace of that sphere artifact on your new clean mesh, so just drop down the subd. levels and gently smooth out the error on every subdivision level.
there is a polysphere in the tool palette. with it you avoid those things ("more or less"). as they said you wont come around a retopo. use dynamesh if you dont have a basemesh. then use the zRemesher if you dont want to do a retopo (zbrush does it pretty decent with simple shapes).
You could also duplicate it, use ZRemesher with some control guides to remodel it, and then project the details from the original.
How about Dynamesh or a subdivided box projected to the initial cap? Many ways work here.
Simply dynamesh or z-remesh the hat (I would try zremesher first because it's more efficient polycount wise). Basically, duplicate this subtool, z-remesh it down to sub-10k polys, project the original, subdivide, project again, etc. till you're on a reasonable resolution.
After that, you're probably gonna have a little trace of that sphere artifact on your new clean mesh, so just drop down the subd. levels and gently smooth out the error on every subdivision level.
Unable to open file "ObjOut"
Didn't find much information about it.