When you place an Edit Poly on top of an Editable Poly mesh and make significant changes, at some point if you ctrl+z to undo an edit, everything gets messed up and all your work is ruined. Even if you go to a previous save, Max will still read the old vertex numbers and not the new, in other words it will still be messed and you'll need to delete the Edit Poly modifier and edit your mesh all over again.
Sometimes I need an Edit Poly on top of my mesh to make the changes instead of working on the base level Edit Poly, because that way it is non-destructive and you don't commit to the changes until you're ready. But Max has had this issue for a while where when you "Undo" something, it apparently reverts everything back to the old vertex numbering, which is why you'll see a bunch of holes in the mesh. Loading up old back ups doesn't help. It's very frustrating.
The only option I can think of is to disable "Ctrl-Z" as a shortcut for "Undo" - that shortcut is wired into my very veins and is a reflex, even when I tell myself to not press it in fear of Max *forgetting* the proper vertex order and count for the Edit Poly. Does anyone have this problem in Max? Or in general, how do you disable keyboard shortcuts? I should know how to do that by now :poly141:
So i just changed B to do nothing in the shortcut options.
My only suggestion would be to do the same with undo.
I'm not sure, but I think there is a limit, like how much edit data an Edit Poly modifier can store before it *forgets* or *can't remember* everything and resets the vertex count and order back to that of the base mesh. If you have a habit of only working at base level on the mesh then you're good. But if you like to add Edit Poly like I do then make sure to never press "Undo" after too many changes to complex meshes, or simply collapse the stack after so many changes. It's definitely a bug that's plagued Max since I've used it, in my case, since Max 2011.
I've not encountered this specific issue but after having been bitten really hard by the bug a few times I don't tend to risk leaving the stack active anymore. If it's absolutely vital I don't lose the old mesh I duplicate it
however. if you want to disable ctrl+z for edit poly modifier you can map it to something else as a keyboard shortcut override and it'll override provided you have the toggle enabled