Im trying to create two shaders and adding them to to the "Assign favorite material" list in maya.
Getting tired of Mayas aweful shader editor, theese shaders would be so easy to do in UDK. So Im hoping some kind soul could help me out or point me in a good direction.
First shader:
Blinn with textures preassigned.
Assigned texture "c:\Texturing\diffuse.tga" to color.
Assigned texture "c:\Texturing\normal.tga" to color as tangentmap.
Assigned texture "c:\Texturing\specular.tga" to Specular color.
Assigned texture "c:\Texturing\gloss.tga" to Specular roll off.
Usage: Rightclick drag on my mesh and assign shader with all my default textures assigned. This will save me little time but alot of time over time

I could prolly make this shader just by grabbing the command echoing but I want it to be a alternative in the "Assign favorite material" menu.
Second shader:
Phong with diffuse as one file(not assigned/blank), normal as one file(as tangent)(not assigned/blank)
specmap red chan mask for coloring(red chan maskes area for coloring and a indicator with a red clear red multiply),
green chan gloss,
blue as emissive,
alpha as specular.
I want theese shaders added to the "Assign favorite material" menu.
Any help is much appreciated.