Hello Polycount. I decided to finally post some of my current work. Perhaps it will convince me to take it to a polished finish. Here's to hoping.
This project I started on a couple weekends back is partly for training with zbrush and partially because I like futuristic scifi females in quasi-skin tight clothing. Who doesn't tho?
The rough concept/basemesh is all my creation, but I drew on inspiration from various sources. Dead Space/ Halo/ Warframe, amongst them. That all said, lets see those pictures, eh...
^^ rough concept ^^
^^ early muscle sketch on partial base mesh, I ended up with a full muscle structure down the arms and legs too, but they're hidden by the cloth ^^
^^ my current progress ^^
I hope to finish this and pose the finished mesh in some nice presentation, maybe UDK or Toolbag.
So much to do..and so much time to do it. Stay tuned.