Started the initial blockout. The current logic is we start on the tongue, Then make our way into the stomach where there are bits of chomped up golf course! The flag pole is on a bit of suspended golf course. So you have to put it through a hole or whack it up the stomach lining though I still need to test that in engine :P
It reminds me about kingdom heart video game. Where main character enter the Whale to find Pinocchio. I like where you are going so far. What are the obstacle in the whale.
thanks Buddhafox! yeh I'm taking some of my reference from that as for obstacles there will be a few opening and closing ventricles that you can hit the ball through to get a better score. Though I want to add more, I need to play test it a bit first.
Did a little stomach acid texture today, I put some of the earth that the level will be submerged in to add a bit of depth at the top. Let me know what you guys think.
So I was in two minds about this. I was going to do it where you had to get the golf ball into a section of the whale which it then shot out of its blowhole to reveal the remainder of the course. But I thought I might be overcomplicating it so i'm sticking to the inside of the whale for now. So I won't have a skybox because its all going to be inside the whale.
If I was going to do it I would have gone with a mixture of handpainted and using the reduce noise function on some cloud pics to do it
I really like your course layout! It has a nice difficulty with tons of room for making it look nice. Definitely going to be following this one. Good luck!
Up till one but got it finished. Any critique or suggestions are welcome, otherwise i'm calling this done! A bit annoyed at my final renders which are coming out way over saturated, the video is a much better version of how it actually looks.
I look forward to your progress dude. Really enjoyed your VG-Remix. I for one think that you should have placed higher...
All the best of luck!
Any crit or questions appreciated
Also, are you thinking of doing anything crazy for your skybox? How had you intended on approaching that artistically?
If I was going to do it I would have gone with a mixture of handpainted and using the reduce noise function on some cloud pics to do it
Let me know what you think
Lightmap only render
Texture sheet