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An illustration for a book cover - Book is named Zomberella

polycounter lvl 10
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anomandarius polycounter lvl 10
A good friend is putting the final touches on is first book and is publishing through Amazon's self publishing system. As a congratulations I've decided to pay for a professional illustration for his book cover.

My research has pointed me to a few different sites but as a game maker I'm frankly more comfortable and impressed with this community specifically.

I'm going to paste the last email he sent me regarding the cover to try and give you an idea of where this is headed. We need to work out the pricing and I'll put you in touch with the author for the fine tuning part of the illustration.

The deliverable is a high quality illustration in as loss-less a format as we can manage that the author has signed off on. I don't anticipate too many iterations being necessary.

Please PM me or email me at jmatthews005 @ gmail.com if you're interested.

Below is the email.

Ideas listed in preferred order.

1st idea: The below image is almost perfect. Arrange the gems to spell Zomberella inside the tiara with the bottom half covered in blood and possibly bits of blonde scalp. Even love the background color but more ultramarine blue.
2nd idea: Blood traces out Zomberella within the Gems of the tiara.
3rd idea: The shadow casted from the behind blue light spells out Zomberella.

Would want the below dog (in pic 2) placed within the blue to black fading. Ex. William Turners Slave ship (pic 3) how the arms in the water (center bottom canvas) reach out into the horizon.

Open to more color if needed for depth, but keep color spectrum tight between black and ultramarine blue. Like Rust with blue if color must be added.

If other designs needed in the fog:
Cheerleaders performing the pyramid.
Kennedys assassination limo: No passengers inside.

Less preferred but if inspired.
Pump jack
Long horns (just the horn, Boss Hog style)


Love the mouth of a dog coming out through the dust on the left. You know it’s a dogs mouth but get almost no other identifying marks, colors, size ect.
“His dead black lips pulled tight slipping over bone white K9s---“.
Also I would need a cloudy black eye, not the ghostly white shown below. Although white being over taken by black is acceptable.




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