Finished my show reel featuring a majority of my work from last year. This year I incorporated Zbrush into my workflow. Any crits, or suggestions pls leave a comment!
[ame=""]Adam Vickerstaff Show Reel Jan 2014 - YouTube[/ame]
Your Anatomy Seems good but the textures for the Dancers & wrestler seem lacking/ unfinished there a bit flat and bland. I didnt see any details in the skin.
The Temple looks ok, the lighting could be more Vibrant & contrasting.
The Office modeling looks good but again the Lighting is Dull. are you rendering in Max?
I think theres to much time showing wireframes and little showing the Textures, I didnt get to see much of the Final Beauty Shot of the Gun had to wait for Wireframe then there was only a Half Rotation. The Car Spec is way crazy you also seem to have multiple Lights and it messing with the ground somewhat.
So my final Thoughts are your Modeling, Topology, Sculpting all seem good, you have lots of good peices (I liked the Couch sofa most) but your Textures could use some work (Try to match the Troll Goblin thingy in quality) as well as Lighting (It might just be me bit I dont like Maya or 3DS lighting, I can never get a very dynamic effect)
Hope this helps in some way
On the opening & closing cards, I'd enlarge your name & contact information - they really should be much larger than the other text.
I'd have to agree with Carl about your need to improve your textures. The humans have an almost plastic feel, and the wolf fur feels more like wire than hair.
Some of the dynamic poses could also use some work. The wolf's head and tail are at an unnatural angle, and the feet feel very stiff; consider raising one paw to give it a feeling of movement. On the wrestler, his feet are completely flat, giving him the look of an action figure rather than a person.
I rendered about half in zbrush and half in Max, the office was rendered in max. I’m thinking of getting marmoset next month so will help, but for now ill re work some of the rotations and show of the textures on guns and cars, and possibly cut out the wolf and Mononoke entirely. Thxs for the input. (the troll was my latest work so I’m glad there’s some improvement on texturing)
All the best and thank you
Thxs for the feedback. I don’t really have time to rework any of my older work, just show it off as best as I can. Therefore I think ill drop the wolf as said from the show reel. It looks quite cool as a finished piece, and follows the wolf in princess mononoke. But it raises to many eyebrows at closer inspection. Also will alter the contact info thank you.
If you want to see my folio its at