I noticed the ball hit speed is totally dependent on the length of the pullback with no upper bound. So if you set the "Cam close distance" field higher (ie to see more of your level at once) then you automatically get higher powered strokes.
may want to fix the ball hit routine in mainLogic.lua to something like this:
and of course add the self.maxHitImpulse field. A value of 12000 seems to work well compared to the default maximum hit distance pre-camera rotation. Actual maximum distance is about 6.5 meters that way.
Up to you, of course, but it might help keep some performance baseline across people's levels.
Is there a way to stop vForge to auto generate the lightmap UV? Whatever I'm exporting as secondary uv set, vForge keep regenerate it's own uv lightmap...Or I didn't find the setting to assign the proper uv set...
2nd EDIT: Did you set the "Lightmap UV Set" field in the export settings as the UV channel for your lightmap
Yup, I've set the name, the same as my lightmap name (using maya).
I might try from max at some point, but I still have a lot of stuff to do on the map so...
Ez Meow,
What version of maya are you running? When you go file export then switch to .vmesh you should see export options appear. If you are using an older version of maya then you may need see a button appear you need to press for options to pop up.
When it shows lightmap you will want to use the map channel you are using for lightmaps
For this you will then have to build a custom shader to use. You will notice there is a lightmap uv node. From there if lightmaps are generated in another program you can load in that texture and remove the lighting node.
Yeah I got all the maya side setup the right way. I was just thinking that the lightmaps
generated with vForge would use those UV instead of repacking its own.
Well thanks I'll see how I'm going to organize my workflow around that.
I have been playing around with trying to get a texture with an alpha to show up. Is there anything I need to do once its imported? Do I have to mess with the mobile shader at all? It doesn't seem to show up in the view port. There was mention of it being tagged as 24bit? but I didn't see anywhere to change this.
I have been playing around with trying to get a texture with an alpha to show up. Is there anything I need to do once its imported? Do I have to mess with the mobile shader at all? It doesn't seem to show up in the view port. There was mention of it being tagged as 24bit? but I didn't see anywhere to change this.
Did you try to set your color blending mode to "alphablending" in the visual shader editor?
There are two places to check, EzMeow covered the first one.
The second one is if the texture was first brought in and it was not alpha then later has alpha you need to go into the texture properties and mark it for alpha. You can do this by going to the asset browser, find your texture, right click, go to asset properties, then you will see a propety that says hasalpha, change that to yes.
The cursor just moves based off where your mouse location in the viewport is. If it is moving too fast then maybe it would be best to turn down the mouse sensitivity in your windows settings?
Hey I am trying to convert my fbx files into the havoc files and get them converted correctly but then I don't know where they go and I can't find them. Is there a certain folder that they go to? All help appreciated.
The vision files will go where ever your FBX is located. From there you will have to manually copy them in your project. Textures will go into the texture folder. Then .vmesh, .vcolmesh will go into your Meshes folder. Finally .models and .anims will go into your Models folder
It seems to work for me when using the MobileShaders effect library with diffuse effect applied. What effect library are you using?
I had just modified the point sample shader, in the project directory to give me unshaded vertex colours. I now realize when I use base data shaders double sided works for me. Is there anything in the base data shaders that will give me unshaded vertex colours?
I used Camstudio 2.7 Its free and there are some Youtube videos on the settings which are helpful and then you may want to find some video editing software as well.
Hey I am having trouble converting my files into vmesh models. When I use the FBXConverter it converts my fbx models into hkt instead of vmesh. Is there a setting I'm missing or a different converter that I need to send the hkt through?
If you were using blender, try unclicking include animations checkbox in the fbx exporter options. It did the trick for me.
What I don't know is how you can get it to convert to vmesh, use the interactive options and then the converter permanently changes its mind over what it wants to do.
You should be able to use the diffuse and lightmap UV in the visual shader editor for your need (I don't think we can use more than 2 UV set).
As for the transparency setup, you should be able to find the info in this thread some post before~
If you are using Maya then you can use our havok content tools. You download it through the download manager then install it. The second video on the contest page covers this.
Hello, so just a quick question I have noticed people using alpha is this correct can we use this? Looking at the guidelines I thought it was spec and diffuse? Could someone clarify please.
Original Question "Is there a way to exclude a mesh from the fog pass? I have a custom mesh for my background/skybox and don't want it affected by fog."
So I stumbled upon a solution, simply make a shader without the lighting node before the rgba output and it won't be affected by the fog pass.
Hello, so just a quick question I have noticed people using alpha is this correct can we use this? Looking at the guidelines I thought it was spec and diffuse? Could someone clarify please.
Yes you can use alphas. Specs are similar to the VG Remix contest and we could use them for that one as well.
I have another question though, in the LUA script for the ball there's 2 properties,friction and mass, can we edit these two properties? I'm trying to make some complex shapes for the ball the follow, but being low poly it's hard to do! If i could edit these just a bit so the mass is 0.8 and the friction is 0.3, it makes it a lot easier.
After talking this over we would prefer you do not mess with the mainlogic as we will have to merge this together. HOWEVER you are free to add any scripts on top of this to edit ball friction behavoir. If there is something missing from the main logic, we can evaluate adding it for you. But with ball friction that can easily be done in a side script.
Free of that you are free to change any values, properties, or exposed script values. Again if you are missing something from the Main logic hit us up!
Just a quick question, I think I read it somewhere but should ambient in the engine be set to white or black? I got mine on black atm and it looks fine and when its white, it goes a bit crazy.
David: remember the collision mesh isn't counted in the total polycount for this contest.
Make a lower poly render mesh, then make a much more complex and smooth collision mesh for the curvy parts. I had to do the same thing for some of the s-curves in my course.
Sharvo: yes set it to black. The ambient adds to the color in the texture so you get some serious overbright if you set it to white. This was mentioned in one of the videos.
When creating a shader is it better to create a new library or to use an existing one? Using the miniGolf library has caused me all sorts of problems today and I'm wondering if creating a new library for the new shaders might help?
may want to fix the ball hit routine in mainLogic.lua to something like this:
and of course add the self.maxHitImpulse field. A value of 12000 seems to work well compared to the default maximum hit distance pre-camera rotation. Actual maximum distance is about 6.5 meters that way.
Up to you, of course, but it might help keep some performance baseline across people's levels.
EDIT: Nvm, that's for rendered lightmap textures
2nd EDIT: Did you set the "Lightmap UV Set" field in the export settings as the UV channel for your lightmap
Yup, I've set the name, the same as my lightmap name (using maya).
I might try from max at some point, but I still have a lot of stuff to do on the map so...
What version of maya are you running? When you go file export then switch to .vmesh you should see export options appear. If you are using an older version of maya then you may need see a button appear you need to press for options to pop up.
When it shows lightmap you will want to use the map channel you are using for lightmaps
For this you will then have to build a custom shader to use. You will notice there is a lightmap uv node. From there if lightmaps are generated in another program you can load in that texture and remove the lighting node.
generated with vForge would use those UV instead of repacking its own.
Well thanks I'll see how I'm going to organize my workflow around that.
when i click on play the game , my cursor move so fast . how i can fix it ?
Did you try to set your color blending mode to "alphablending" in the visual shader editor?
The second one is if the texture was first brought in and it was not alpha then later has alpha you need to go into the texture properties and mark it for alpha. You can do this by going to the asset browser, find your texture, right click, go to asset properties, then you will see a propety that says hasalpha, change that to yes.
The cursor just moves based off where your mouse location in the viewport is. If it is moving too fast then maybe it would be best to turn down the mouse sensitivity in your windows settings?
The vision files will go where ever your FBX is located. From there you will have to manually copy them in your project. Textures will go into the texture folder. Then .vmesh, .vcolmesh will go into your Meshes folder. Finally .models and .anims will go into your Models folder
It seems to work for me when using the MobileShaders effect library with diffuse effect applied. What effect library are you using?
I had just modified the point sample shader, in the project directory to give me unshaded vertex colours. I now realize when I use base data shaders double sided works for me. Is there anything in the base data shaders that will give me unshaded vertex colours?
It's free and works great.
What I don't know is how you can get it to convert to vmesh, use the interactive options and then the converter permanently changes its mind over what it wants to do.
As for the transparency setup, you should be able to find the info in this thread some post before~
So I stumbled upon a solution, simply make a shader without the lighting node before the rgba output and it won't be affected by the fog pass.
Yes you can use alphas. Specs are similar to the VG Remix contest and we could use them for that one as well.
I have another question though, in the LUA script for the ball there's 2 properties,friction and mass, can we edit these two properties? I'm trying to make some complex shapes for the ball the follow, but being low poly it's hard to do! If i could edit these just a bit so the mass is 0.8 and the friction is 0.3, it makes it a lot easier.
Think it answers your question David.
Make a lower poly render mesh, then make a much more complex and smooth collision mesh for the curvy parts. I had to do the same thing for some of the s-curves in my course.
Sharvo: yes set it to black. The ambient adds to the color in the texture so you get some serious overbright if you set it to white. This was mentioned in one of the videos.
There's some stuff I duplicated in the engine. If not I'll just count them and multiply but... :P
I've been sorting out my triggers and when I make the trigger box for the reload script and run the game I get the error message
'Error in SetPosition (arg 2), expected 'hkvVec3 const &' got 'nil''
This only happens when I scale the trigger box. The trigger box that spawns the size it is doesn't cause the error,
Am I doing something wrong?