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Hi folks,

I am working on this little guy:

Currently building a rig for him but before I go in knee deep I would like someone to take a look at him and point out any topological/deformation issues I might have. I never rigged a character like this... or rigged many character in general.

Note: you cant see, but the head is not even attached to the body so that will not be a problem.


  • DWalker
    Are you working from a concept?

    The nose seems rather bulbous - it's typically in line with the top of the snout. The eyes are rather close-set, and the eye socket ridge is very prominent. You might want to give him a deeper chest, moving the breast bone forward a bit.
  • vaidoras
    Thanks :)
    I am working from couple of my own sketches.
    I tried different noses and although this one is a anatomical abnormality I felt that it works. On the other hand I will look into the eyes a bit, they do seem very close set and strange in general. I am honestly not sure what you are saying with the chest bit, sorry.

    Still looking for feedback :)
  • vaidoras

    Changed the face around, increased the bridge between the eyes, and made them them not so round and bulgy in general.
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