Hey guys, so I have decided to try and do my first true wow/diablo style hand painted model. I'm going to do a hi poly model first then use those maps to create my low poly hand painted texture. This is my first time using this workflow so it should be pretty fun.
Crits, comments, and suggestions always appreciated!
Current Update:
Also, you can bring the hard-surface modeling from maya to Zbrush and sculpt it later.
@foredea Yeah Maya/Max and Modo are way easier to do hard surface in, but I really want to get the practice in zbrush.
Here is the result, thanks again.
I cant say Im a massive fan of the strap around the bottom of the "corset" though its a bit wavy and doesnt seem to flow well.
I really tried to define those edges a bit more to have a cleaner roughed up look.
Her proportions feels very wrong (hips/waist and a lot of other stuff)
I understand the body won't be seen, but if you need to improve something, it's that!
It's like making a pretty roof, before laying the walls fundations of a house properly...
Look at the original concept:
try to aim for the body shape on the far left, so that adding the armor feels right:
Here is where I'm at currently:
@stevston88 I'm not quite sure If I know what you mean. Pretty much everything you see in there is a separate mesh, I have about 30 subtools.
The legs a still a WIP but here is where I'm at currently
I just rendered this guy out for fun and to show you guys more of the dented look I am going to go for in the armor when I start to paint it.
There is some weird poly overlapping that I'm assuming is just the render because they aren't really there. Anyways hope you are all having a good one, cheers!
Currently this is diffuse only, but i will add a spec map soon.
Also, do not be afraid of making the model for PBR! You have Marmoset 2! Use that shit doooooood. Dont hold back with all this new tech rolling around, start nailing it down and stepping in front of the herd in terms of knowing the new workflows required. A lot of studios are adapting the tech right now, and knowing the artist can adapt to the new tech and nail it ASAP... Thats a huge plus. PBR in general is the future, its in a majority of major AAA titles in development for Ps4/XBone, and PC.
Just some suggestions man, especially because this is could be a forefront piece for ye ol' port.
While PBR is awesome, and I cant wait to start texturing around that, none of those companies currently have that in engine. Thanks for the suggestions though, when I start modeling for next gen I will definitely keep it in mind.
I think you need to find the game and setting you want to character to really fit in,such as as like an FPS/First person MMO, RTS, etc. and then go from there. Once again, not trying to be a dick
@stevston89 Yeah I have never done this process before so I realized once I started texture that about half the modeling was irrelevant because I'm just painting over it. Next time I will be able to do this much faster Thanks for that ref it will help a lot. And I will definitely tone down the AO a bit, it definitely looks a bit too dark in some areas.
This is diffuse only, I'm thinking of adding a spec but I'm not sure yet.
Id say for sure do a spec map for this, even if they dont use one in D3, it would really make this piece look more badass.
if I had to nit pick, id say perhaps throw in a bit more color variation into the skulls horns, and perhaps saturate some of the gold trim work a bit more, the cloth could use a bit more geo as well.
Otherwise Well done!
Wow, great refs again stevston89, the guy almost even has the same color scheme. Great advice on the metal, everything was definitely looking too muddy. I got an update incoming that is already looking a ton better thanks to your crits, so thanks a ton guys.
Also I never posted my maps or anything so here are those also:
I know it looks finished, and I know the feeling of finality on these sort of things (if you're feeling it, I mean), but maybe there's one last thing I think that might push this.
Hopefully this makes sene, but see if you can splash in "off-hues" (hues that aren't local, like a muted green or blue in the metal and leather. I think, if done a certain way, it'll add a bit more depth to the textures, really add a bit of life to them. Textured brush of some sort should do it.
You already have a solid base, I think, a little more of subtle detailing will just be more delicious icing on it.
Now that you mention it i can see the lack of off hues in the shadows.
Ill play around with it a bit more after I finish up my sion rework, thanks again!