When I rendered out AO, Disp and Normals Map from Mudbox I got a bulging effect on the edges of polygons which created a hot air balloon-like effect on a little 3d octopus I'd been designing. I do not know how I created this error and would be really grateful if someone could point me in the direction of a tutorial to fix my mistake.
Model in Mudbox before texture extraction

Model after texture extraction

Model after extraction with AO, Normals but Disp removed


Bake settings:
New texture:
the reason I don't remember is because I gave up baking in Mudbox. While it is actaully pretty clean for the most part, Mudbox always had a slight offset in my normal map projection, which becomes particularly notable with geometric, e.g. round mesh bakes.
I use Xnormal for the most part for baking. I used Maya too, but it kinda annoyed me by looking totally differently in Maya and UDK. I'll retry baking normals with MayaLT.