I've been trying to set up the shader built here for Maya, but for some reason I can't get the normals to show. I was wondering what everyone else used when it came to making images of their items for the Workshop.
I've never gotten that shader's normals in Maya to work. I use Marmoset for the presentation renders now. Before that I used the Xoliulshader and the Dota 2 shader in Max.
Yeah, I've tried High Quality as well. The weird thing is that I did end up getting it to work at a computer at my Uni, but my computer won't do it. It could be because I have AMD instead of Nvidia, but I'll just get Marmoset I guess. Looks good in the long run anyway. Thanks everyone!
Yeah, I've tried High Quality as well. The weird thing is that I did end up getting it to work at a computer at my Uni, but my computer won't do it. It could be because I have AMD instead of Nvidia, but I'll just get Marmoset I guess. Looks good in the long run anyway. Thanks everyone!
For the max shader dont use a render.It's a direct x shader, it will only render real time. Use the grabviewport max plugin. This will let you get a supersampled grab of the current viewport. This is the only way to capture a real time shader from max
Edit: misread, now see its a maya shader issue, maybe something to do with mayas normal weighting?
Also, people around here usually get renders from Marmoset Toolbag to make presentations.
Marmoset is a good option if you have the money.
There has been some talk from the developers about implementing a dota 2 style shader to Marmoset 2.
For the max shader dont use a render.It's a direct x shader, it will only render real time. Use the grabviewport max plugin. This will let you get a supersampled grab of the current viewport. This is the only way to capture a real time shader from max
Edit: misread, now see its a maya shader issue, maybe something to do with mayas normal weighting?