Realise i'm new to this but figured i'd give it a go as theres an amazing degree of talent on this website. The head has not yet got much detail, this will be added during the sculpt and retopologised, same goes for the hands. The armour of the character has been designed so far for next generation graphics such as PS4 and Xbox One, It is being designed for the purpose of my final year project at University.
This is just a base mesh so far but wanted any constructive criticism outlining what to change before taking it into Zbrush for the sculpt.
Meshes for next gen I have researched to be between 30-60k polygons.
This one is 30,167 as Low polygon.


Both poses have been done due to research showing that the A-pose seems to be more frequently used for next gen characters making the arm movement more fluent while rigged.
I would also like to know which is preferred and what could be changed if necessary.
The cranium on his head is way off, learn your anatomy, know the names of the bones, those names provide an anchor point in your memory for the visual forms.
Resize your images so that people can view your large imagines without blowing up the forum.
Rethink the joins on your armor. You've got areas that are major joints pretty much enclosed by metal plates.
There is something wrong with the pelvis, either the torso is too long or pelvis is too narrow. Either way, you couldn't have both a natural sized pelvic region and hip joint and the armor at that width.
Do you have a human underneath the armor to act as anatomy placeholder? If so, show it.
You need to decide what those shoulder pieces are made of and how that whole joint animations. You currently have it modeled and built like a solid metal piece, but between the A and T pose you have it bending and deforming like thick rubber, which even then would not deform as such.
I'll put up an updated one on this thread in a few days with the edits
Anymore feedback would be appreciated, I have also deleted the head and am remaking the base mesh for that today.
New Armour shape to show more power and make the Armour not skin tight, I was told there was not a style as it was alternating between bulky and skin tight, this has now been edited, any feedback and constructive criticism of the updated model will be appreciated