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Someone keeps track of all the contests?

polycounter lvl 9
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Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
Hi guys,I was wondering: there is a topic on this forum or a page online that pretty much worked like a "calendar" and keep track of any (or many) 3d-2d contests running on any given time around the world?

I mean,a place where I can go and see in a single page, for example, all the "monthly noob challenges" along with the other contests available from other communities too, and along with a brief description and maybe an image...or just the starting and ending dates of the contests

Have someone already thought about doing this? :)


  • genwu
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    genwu polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the link dustin - I didn't know about that group
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Oh damn! I can't access since I am not registered to facebook :) (and I would also like to keep it that way, if possible,since I deleted my account moths ago because I found myself wasting too much time with it)

    Is that the only place where I can see that? :P
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    I started a blogg before i knew of anything else and since no one ever said anything i assumed i was the first to create it way back in the days, it was A LOT of work to track them down, i'd setup dates and links and if they had a brief and i had time that went into it as well, though right now i stopped after about 3 months doing it I also offered it up to anyone who wanted to take over the job, though no one came forward.
    I am glad at least a group is doing it now as a for a single person too, it is just too time consuming. (Also yea ME.)

    I might as well also add i started the dominance war spread sheets of everyone's entries together, though i won't get into that one...
    Yea and i still got them also..I made a wall paper and everyone liked the idea. (yet i never saw credit not that i cared but it was pretty f-d up.)

    I'm an elephant i don't forget.
    Spoiler tag to avoid o/t discussion for those that feel necessary to continue this:
    Let me add to this so people don't have a cow and make this into something it is not.
    I got the idea from comic books when they would make a spread sheet of all the comic heroes and i thought it would be a good idea to combine the renders of the individuals characters they would post on the first domwar, I even asked for help after i posted it because i thought a black background didn't do it justice and plus i had to use feathered edge to make it look better around the edges.
    After all this, i managed to land a position at GA as a Mod, and i appreciated it very much so this is not me bitching at anyone this is just me stating facts about contests as a whole, i don't mean to make this thread about me, i just wanted it to be known i guess and that is that.

    That I'm a BOSS and trend setter!
    Also mentioned there should be a good vs evil wallpaper , just fyi if it happens, i foretell the future.
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