great idea Ghost O:!!
i was keep thinking "what else can be flying rather than boring wings" and think of snow angel feather, but snowflake would be even greater too >3< thank you for your idea!
i never like WR, she is really hard to play in my opinion and i think her face is ugly (and her custom)
but i just realized she actually has quite a cute lady girl face, not bad looking at all, it must be all those existing custom that makes her so ugly (facepalm)
her story touches me too, what a simple but sad story for her childhood O:
WIP on this, aimming to make her look like a real girl while symbolise she has the wind child, using blue as main colour ;>
(the thing on her ear is a wind catcher, lets say that thing will allow her to listen to the wind whisper)
LOVE the hair! Looks a bit more "royal" than her usual stuff, which is definitely a plus! I also really like the extra armor in conjuntion with the hair, looks really fitting and a bit different from her usual items, which is also awesome!
This Mirana mount with freckles is so adorable I definitely want to see that in the game. Now come on, someone with good modelling skills to the counter, please. Your game needs you.
Concerning the Venge hair that you dubbed with "doesn't work" - I think the ponytail is really a great idea. Venge's default head is extremely streamlined though, aerodynamid... hmm, how shall I describe it... stormy? It's the opposite of warlock's head. If you'd fire it off with a cannon it'd fly really far. Eeehm. Anyways, I think your concept could pick up this streamlined-iness. I like the ponytail, but it takes a bit of that away. So maybe you could replace the wings in her hair with some more feathers of a bigger size on each side and align them upwards so you pick up the streamlined silhouette again.
haha Automedic, thanks a lot for your support TmT!!!!! (bigbig hugggg
and i am actually not sure what u mean about the vs hair hahaha xD the reason why i said it doesn't work is because, when i draw it on her with her existing armor, it looks HORRIBLE, if i decide to make that hair, i have to make a set instead O:
Oh, let me illustrate what I mean with a crappy paint image:
the green lines of the default venge show the rough trend of the hair silhouette, it's very sharp and pointing upwards. I think that gives her kind of an agressive, energetic notion. The feather and the wings pick that up again, but a little bit too vertical in my opinion while the ponytail faces directly downwards. This makes the hairstyle a bit more realistic but it also renders it more calm and takes away a lot of that interesting silhouette, so I would suggest replacing the wings with feathers (or the same wings spread farther or something else) like at the ear and align them upwards again to pick up the default silhouette (red lines). If they are dominant enough to uphold that streamlined silhouette I think it might fit venge a bit better.
I have absolutely no experience in modelling or creating concepts, that's just my personal opinion/something I noticed so it might just as well be the only one thinking so
oh ew thanks a lot for your informative output, that helps me a lot ;DDDD and now i understand what u mean as well, even u are not a modeler or creating concept, your output is so useful to me ^-^ (hughughug
i will work on VS later on when i have more idea for her, but i know what u mean after all ;DDDD
The WTF qop wing is now in workshop, please vote if you like it !
Self note list - WIP list -
Mirana set 1 - Princess (Matt)
Mirana set 2 - Moonlight cloak princess (Andumy)
Qop (Rowin)
Cm ribbon set (Rita)
Naga sword 1 - Harp (Andumy)
Naga sword 2 - Music blade (???)
On going -
Naga sword 3 - Shell (Rowin)
CM Dragon set (Matt)
Forgotten WIP -
whale courier (???)
Idea need to try out -
BS scary cat cload
Drow Bow
wing cm cloak (brainstorming)
KTOL staff
Just kidding, keep up the hard work.
Qop mummy set
opinion need
up for grab as well zzzzzzzzzzzz
i was keep thinking "what else can be flying rather than boring wings" and think of snow angel feather, but snowflake would be even greater too >3< thank you for your idea!
Self note list - WIP list -
Mirana set 1 - Princess (Matt)
Mirana set 2 - Moonlight cloak princess (Andumy)
Cm ribbon set (Rita)
Luna set (???)
On going -
Naga sword 1 - Harp (Andumy)
Naga shell set (Rowin)
CM Dragon set (Matt)
Qop mummy set (Rocket)
QoP rotten heaven set (Rocket)
Courier WIP -
whale courier (Belkun)
CM courier (MdK)
Idea need to try out -
BS scary cat cload
Drow set
wing cm cloak (brainstorming)
KTOL staff
"having heart attack in brain"
VS set up for grab, more drawings in my computer but can't be bother to upload zz
i will redo the wings if someone grab this idea, otherwise just let it die zzz
don't think this head works that well though zzz
but i just realized she actually has quite a cute lady girl face, not bad looking at all, it must be all those existing custom that makes her so ugly (facepalm)
her story touches me too, what a simple but sad story for her childhood O:
WIP on this, aimming to make her look like a real girl while symbolise she has the wind child, using blue as main colour ;>
(the thing on her ear is a wind catcher, lets say that thing will allow her to listen to the wind whisper)
mirana set done, im happy so far ))))))))))))))) please make it real
Weird hair up for grab boo
Note to self: DOES NOT WORK
Self note list - WIP list -
Mirana set 1 - Purple(Matt) (need sketching)
Luna head (need sketching)
Cm ribbon set (Rita) (need sketching)
WR - Wildwind (need sketching)
CM dragon courier (need sketching)
Finish (up for grab/on going)-
Mirana set 2 - Moonless
Qop - mummy
Naga sword 1 - Harp
Naga shell set
CM dragon set
Idea need to try out -
BS scary cat cload
Drow Bow
wing cm cloak?
KTOL staff
Concerning the Venge hair that you dubbed with "doesn't work" - I think the ponytail is really a great idea. Venge's default head is extremely streamlined though, aerodynamid... hmm, how shall I describe it... stormy? It's the opposite of warlock's head. If you'd fire it off with a cannon it'd fly really far. Eeehm. Anyways, I think your concept could pick up this streamlined-iness. I like the ponytail, but it takes a bit of that away. So maybe you could replace the wings in her hair with some more feathers of a bigger size on each side and align them upwards so you pick up the streamlined silhouette again.
Does this make sense to anyone besides me?
and i am actually not sure what u mean about the vs hair hahaha xD the reason why i said it doesn't work is because, when i draw it on her with her existing armor, it looks HORRIBLE, if i decide to make that hair, i have to make a set instead O:
and thanks to cagasx too ^o^ (hughughug
the green lines of the default venge show the rough trend of the hair silhouette, it's very sharp and pointing upwards. I think that gives her kind of an agressive, energetic notion. The feather and the wings pick that up again, but a little bit too vertical in my opinion while the ponytail faces directly downwards. This makes the hairstyle a bit more realistic but it also renders it more calm and takes away a lot of that interesting silhouette, so I would suggest replacing the wings with feathers (or the same wings spread farther or something else) like at the ear and align them upwards again to pick up the default silhouette (red lines). If they are dominant enough to uphold that streamlined silhouette I think it might fit venge a bit better.
I have absolutely no experience in modelling or creating concepts, that's just my personal opinion/something I noticed so it might just as well be the only one thinking so
i will work on VS later on when i have more idea for her, but i know what u mean after all ;DDDD
WR Lostwind set
Self note list - WIP list -
Mirana set 1 - Purple(Matt) (need sketching)
Luna head (need sketching)
CM dragon courier (need sketching)
Finish (up for grab/on going)-
Mirana set 2 - Moonless
WR - Wildwind
Qop - mummy
Naga sword 1 - Harp
Naga shell set
CM dragon set
Cm ribbon hair
Idea need to try out -
BS scary cat cload
Drow Bow
wing cm cloak?
KTOL staff