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Tutorial Course Giveaway

polycounter lvl 13
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BradleyWascher polycounter lvl 13
[UPDATE: From now until Feb 8th (this Saturday!) I am going to be giving EVERYONE that likes the Professor Poly Facebook page a free code to my courses. As a thank you to all you guys for all the support! This is a limited time deal though so take advantage of a time to never have to worry about learning either Maya or Max in the future ever again. Now lets get to it!]

Hey guys!
If you don't know I run two courses over on Udemy, Learning Maya if you know 3ds max and Learning 3ds max if you know Maya. Now I've had some interest from a lot of people and I know that being an artist and life in general can be hard on the wallet.

So I am going to be giving away 25 seats in both my courses as a contest over on my Facebook page. Yes you heard me free! So if you were interested in taking either of my course's and didn't have the cash to take it, or you just wanted to see what my tutorial's are all about, now is the time to get in with a free pass! So go check it out and spread the word, this has a limited window to sign up. Cheers and good luck!

Facebook Link:

Also a link to my courses on udemy if you're interested:


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