Hey guys, ive ran into a small problem when rendering out an AO map and Cavity map for my model in Xnormal. Im using a cage and the normal map comes out just fine but when I try to render out the AO and cavity map they come out so faint and light you can barley see them, any ideas as to why this js occurring?
Are you rendering in 16 Bit per Channel?
Or use a shallow cylinder in a bowl shape.
Bake with a plane and one without and composite in photoshop as needed.
Here's some example settings.. http://www.donaldphan.com/tutorials/xnormal/xnormal_occ.html
Post the actual normal map so we can see..
Would this be a viable option for bypassing baking AO from a high to low poly? Only because I use Xnormal and love it for baking normal maps, but the AO takes way too long. Usually use Topogun for high to low poly AO as its relatively fast and gives some nice results, but would rather have to use less apps for final results.
Just wondered if the results you'd get from converting a final normal map in Knald to AO would be as good as if you'd used the slower route of baking the AO map piece by piece - I figured using the 'mesh AO' option would help too.
Yea I haven't baked an AO map in months since I started using Knald with the exception of some super low poly stuff. Its a huge time saver and the results are amazing. You can download a demo and see the results for yourself.