Im not sure what is going on here, xnormal was baking maps just fine yesterday.
Here's whats happening:
I made a door, properly UVWed and smoothed and using a cage.
This is what the normals and AO are coming out like:

seems like xnormal is ignoring...everything really, my UVWs arent making sense, the normals arent making sense and the bake is just out of this world.
Cages solve most baking issues that aren't related to inherent bad topology.
In that case, a picture of your models and UVs might help more. Are you triangulating before you export, what format are you using, any other details?
I've had instances where my models exported with the wrong UV set which caused the bake to explode like that.
Im not at my PC at the moment but the UVW's are in my original post.
All I did was rebake the maps to get a better normal map and this is what happened.