Forest Lantern Ward:
I did most of the work on this several months ago but got stuck trying to add particle effects to it and just gave up. If I can learn more about particles I'll come back to it, but for now it's shelved.
Eye of the Faceless:
My first workshop item is sort of a joke item and I'm not really proud of it but on the bright side, it helped me figure out some workshop basics. I don't intend to work on this further and don't expect it to get in the game.
Puck set:

(color schemes)
I've done a few rough models for it already but since puck's model is not in the workshop it isn't easy to work on it too much. I need to do more iterations of the wing shapes anyway. Shelved project.
Dazzle Set:

This is the set I'm currently working on. I've made a base model for the staff already and I'm currently trying to test it out in game before I do too much work on it because I want to see if the dangly crystals will actually work before I commit to them. I'm currently having an issue where the staff is not binding to Dazzle's hands, but is stuck in the middle of the model. This happens despite actually skinning the staff to the correct bone. If anyone has any insight on this it'd be greatly appreciated, but I'll keep tinkering with it on my own.
This set is inspired by glam rock. I wanted to take this set away from the typical direction for his items, which is often "tribal" style and based on cultural appropriation. There are still some influences like the use of the feathers, but they will take a back seat compared to other design elements. The fishnet arm wraps were kind of a joke and I'm not committed to them so I'll probably try some different options for the arms soon.
texture's not final
(yes I know I need to adjust how he's holding it)
Textures not final
Might try something different with the model, not too sure yet.
Are you not concerned with this seriously clipping with all the other hairs added for Dazzle?
There are plenty of other sets in the game that cause ridiculous clipping when parts of the set are equipped with nonset pieces (The antlers from the Keeper of the Northlight set for example)
I'll make adjustments to make it look acceptable with Dazzle's default headpiece, but I'm not going to try to design around the other mohawks.
:thumbup: Fitting the default alone should make it work better with most head pieces. I am looking forward to seeing this finished. The concept is really cool, Dazzle does need some less tribal attire
Textures still are not final and I'll probably end up trying a variety of things with them before I'm satisfied.
There's still some wicked bad clipping with the default hat. Maybe I can have it so there's two styles you can select from? A more modest one that doesn't clip horrendously and then this one that is fluffed out to the max.
Yeah I was also thinking it looked kinda like a hairy pillbug too haha.
I'll keep that in mind when I rework the textures.
Most of the work is in the textures. Here's what it looks like without them:
I basically made one shell, duplicated it, moved it and transformed it, rinse and repeat
I started with the opacity map before anything else just to make sure the shape was suitable, once that was done I just hand drew all the fluffiness
Here's how it's looking now though I might adjust the colors depending on how it looks with the rest of the set.
Calling this done for the moment but I'll go back and do some polish after the rest of the items are modeled.
Headpiece is next!
I'm taking a different direction with the head piece because the head slot also accounts for items worn on his back or go along his back. I didn't want to leave his back completely bare and put too much stuff on his head. Additionally, the high ponytail is going to be a lot more difficult to rig if I wanted it to act the same way the feathers on his default head piece work. I didn't love the design of it enough to attempt slaving over making the physics work for it.
So I'm making a low ponytail that'll be closer along his back. The tiara is now a simpler headband that will have the same snakeskin textures as the staff handle. The snakeskin will also be in the robe/skirt. He also has earrings now though I might only put it on one ear. The earring design might change to something cooler but it will emulate the crystals seen on the staff. I might also add some crystals studded in the snake skin like you see in metal studded leather belts and bracelets and stuff.
The glam rock influence is strong in this one.
I am purposefully taking a departure from the tribal style - Not a complete one, mind you, as there will still be use of feathers in the other pieces and the snake skin textures will be more apparent than they are in the sketches. I understand that going too far into glam rock territory is not appropriate for the style of Dota, therefore I am being careful to make it look more like the set was at least made of natural materials like the snakeskin, feathers, fur, leather - I should also go back and make the crystals look more naturally shaped rather than perfectly cut. So when I go back to do polish on the piece as a whole, I will make an effort to give it a more natural feel, which is a common element with the typical tribal style without actually using any of the tribal sterotypes.
I'm moving away from the tribal style because I don't like to lean on cultural appropriation and use of tribal stereotypes. For one thing, it's been done to death, and another, I personally don't believe it's right for I as a white person to make a profit exploiting a culture that does not belong to me (This 'tribal' style being based on Native American and African cultures).
As for him looking more feminine, I don't see the problem with that.
In the end is up to you, personally I feel a risky business to do "lore-breaking" items.
I'd like to keep this short as I don't want my thread to become this discussion:
I'm not going to make a fuss at anyone else making use of other cultures; I'm just saying as a creator, I don't want to heavily appropriate from other cultures in my own creations. That's just my choice.
I'm willing to take this risk because I do not want to limit myself by forcing it to look 'tribal'. I'm making an attempt to go outside the box. It's a design challenge. As I've said before, I'm not throwing his lore and basic style completely out the window- During the polish phase I will definitely go back and add more natural looking textures to the pieces where needed. And come on. Dazzle loves shiny, pretty, sparkly things! The evidence is in his voice lines.
For now that's my last word on the topic but if anyone really wants to discuss it I'd prefer it be taken to PMs, I'll resume with work in progress pictures when I have more work done.