Hello, I am an ultra noob when it comes to modeling and 3D related stuff. But, with my ideas I was compelled to get into DotA2 workshop and try and create items I would like to see in the game. So, I watched hours of guides, mainly ones from great contributor, Vlad >The Implyer (thanks for all the help Vlad!).
So, I understood everything I need to create an actual item.
My workflow is :
-Base mesh sculpting in 3ds Max; -> OBJ mesh
-Detailting,fixing,decimading in Zbrush (that program is pure epic for a visual type like me)
-Blender for scaling and bone binding, as well as extension central base (blender supports all important extensions and I also use it to import and export)
Now, I can't use photoshop for texturing, cus I\d be damned if i learn another program for modeling. But that is not my problem.
Recently, I successfully imported 1st piece of my set for Centaur, altho with test textures just to see if everything worked.
Now I am stuck at a different problem. The weapon is pinned in Centaur's foot, even tho I binded it to a proper bone. It is even downscaled vs Cent, but i scaled it in Blender. How do i fix this?
There was some mentioning that I have to zero an object, something with coordinates and scale...
3ds max is capable of everything that maya/blender is.
I would just learn how to skin and export in that.
As for my workflow, it may be complicated but I understand it and it gives results, that is important.
Ill try to look up skinning in Max...